The Storm and our Faith

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There was a tremendous death toll from a “natural” event. How do you emotionally and spiritually reconcile this with a merciful, just, and loving God?

Is it just humility and an acceptance and trust in God’s love despite the carnage?

Is it that we are in a fallen state through our own choice, yet suffering will lead us to be adopted sons and daughters of God (a happy fault) and this horror is only so horrific seen on this side of the veil of tears?

Is it a chastisement for man as a community of humans on earth who have rejected to some extant God and the natural law? A pre-cursor to chastise us to better action before the general judgement comes?

I honestly feel a little of each of these answers may have portions of the Truth. I do not know. I want to hear from my fellow Catholics and what they think. For my part, I will trust in God that all things rebound to His Glory, and Providence is beyond me, but I will continue to try to understand to try to know my God better.
We are subject to the natural forces of this world. The term, “Natural Evil” applies here and can be looked up in the Catechism. No, not chastisement. It is a very sad event in human history.

Thank you for the response, Todd.


324 The fact that God permits physical and even moral evil is a mystery that God illuminates by his Son Jesus Christ who died and rose to vanquish evil. Faith gives us the certainty that God would not permit an evil if he did not cause a good to come from that very evil, by ways that we shall fully know only in eternal life.
I’m going to answer a question that no one has asked yet, but some might have thought of.

Where was God when the tsunami was killing 100,000+ people in Southeast Asia?

Same place He was when His Son was being crucified. On His Throne.

Praying for the victims…

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