The Story of Doc Marshall

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What happened to Doc Marshall? How did he go from this regular traditionalist to an sspx sympathiser who won’t even step foot in a novus ordo church? Why did Doc dethrone Tim Gordon from TNT?
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What happened to Doc Marshall? How did he go from this regular traditionalist to an sspx sympathiser who won’t even step foot in a novus ordo church? Why did Doc dethrone Tim Gordon from TNT?
I don’t know what happened between him and Tim Gordon, it think the details are more personal

In regards to what happened to Dr. Marshall… McCarrick happened. I believe the entire (former) Cardinal McCarrick situation REALLY scandalized and damaged Dr. Marshall.

It lead him to start researching his book Infiltration, which I think led him farther towards the SSPX.

NOTE: I don’t think he’s going to join the SSPX Chapel (at least not anytime soon). From what I understand, his family is happy with the FSSP.
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You might find some answers here:
Fans of Taylor Marshall: what's going on? Popular Media
I’m not trying to be ugly about Taylor Marshall or his beliefs. In fact, I agree with many of them. But I’m increasingly confused and since I know there are many here who are fans of his, I thought I’d ask for your thoughts. What’s going on with him, and how will this impact the traditional Catholic movement? Marshall has a fairly big presence on Twitter. On Easter Sunday, he shared that he’d brought his family to an SSPX Mass so they could receive Eucharist (SSPX parishes haven’t closed du…
Why did Doc dethrone Tim Gordon from TNT?
I’m not sure Tim ever sat on a “throne.” He was way in over his head on that show and doesn’t know as much as he thinks. Marshall was always correcting him.

I used to like Taylor Marshall’s old shows, the ones where he’d start with a proverb of the day, go on to the main topic which was usually something from theology or Church history, and then end with the Latin word of the day. They were instructive and helpful.

I gave up all the “Trad” media a few months ago and haven’t gone back. This includes the Taylor Marshall show / TnT, Rules for Retrogrades, Return to Tradition, LifeSite, 1P5, etc.

It bewilders me how the most smug and off-putting Traditionalists become the faces and voices of the movement. Can’t anybody better come forward, who isn’t always so bitter, angry, and suspicious of every shadow around themselves?
I gave up all the “Trad” media a few months ago and haven’t gone back.
Sometimes I think the best route to truly be a traditional Catholic/Orthodox Christian is to simply turn off the media and pray. In order to be bearers of the tradition, we have to live it, not just in words, which are weak expressions of belief, but in action, whether that be in fasting, almsgiving, prayer, attending Divine Services etc. So many times I come away from the religious news of the day with my head spinning and frustrations mounting–which is contrary to real spiritual life and the incarnation of the Gospel commands. Limiting my time online has been freeing.

Semi-monasticism beckons…
It bewilders me how the most smug and off-putting Traditionalists become the faces and voices of the movement. Can’t anybody better come forward, who isn’t always so bitter, angry, and suspicious of every shadow around themselves?
What we need East and West are saints…sadly there seems to be a shortage in our days…but surely there are quiet folk, who live godly, pious lives that simply keep the traditions and stay out of the limelight, I would contend that they are the true traditionalists who God will use to keep His Church on course.
but surely there are quiet folk, who live godly, pious lives that simply keep the traditions and stay out of the limelight, I would contend that they are the true traditionalists who God will use to keep His Church on course.
Happily I know many such people! Some are in monasteries. Most are married people quietly keeping the Faith, living out their vocations, and trying to raise happy and holy children.

It’s best to let the intellectuals and hierarchs duke things out while the rest of us “stand firm and hold to the traditions” that we have received.
The thing about Taylor Marshall and ilk that I can’t get my head around, is how do they have so much confidence and certainty to be so . . . critical . . . of the Pope and the Church? Can we ever remember lay people playing this type of condemnatory role in our history?
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Can we ever remember lay people playing this type of condemnatory role in our history?
I find it ironic that those who are most critical of bishops and Pope Francis yearn for a mythical Golden Age, when the thought of any layman criticizing even the lowliest parish priest would not have been tolerated.
A few of the more recent ones are finding the clock ticking away on their 15 minutes, so they must ramp up the shock in an attempt to keep hold of their viewers.
I think they realized that the game was up last October, when they figured out that there was no chance that Cardinal Sarah was ever going to become Pope. A lot of the Traditionalists and ultra-conservatives had put all their eggs in that one basket.

Now they are figuring out that they will always be a tiny fringe movement within the Church, and that their influence is waning due to the icy hand of demographics. I expect that many of them will end up as schismatics or sedevacantists, as Marshall seems to be doing.
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I’ve always thought that Taylor Marshall was stuck in a perpetual “cage stage”. It’s a term used in some Christian communities to describe the overzealous (and sometimes obnoxious) behaviour of converts.

I think it’s useful to know that he began as an evangelical, attended a fundamentalist Calvinist seminary, then made made a ‘pit stop’ at a very Anglo-Catholic Episcopalian seminary and then became a traditionalist Catholic. He’s essentially traversed one end of Western Christianity to the other, and I don’t think the concept of ‘moderation’ exists in his mind.
I don’t follow Dr. Marshall; but then, again, I didn’t follow Bud Macfarlane Jr. either. And while I am not suggesting that Macfarlane is like Marshall, it would appear to me that there might be a thread in the tapestry of life common to both.

Both became leaders in their own way; both developed a very strong following. Both seem to have come to their own personal Waterloo. There are dangers when one has a public face and develops a large and strong following, and one of those dangers can be pride. I don’t presume to cast aspersions on either of the two; but the similarities of both in their rise and their fall look like similar threads in the tapestry. It can be fairly heady when one has a following which hangs on to every word more tightly than they may hang onto the words emanating from Rome.
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A PhD doesnt always make us smart, wise or right. It does mean we have at some point jumped on the ‘publish or perish’ bandwagon
Your points are all very well said. I agree completely.

Consuming too much of the most popular currently available selections of “Trad media” can easily turn one away from charity. Their faith life can be taken over by suspicion and the need to react with a false sense of righteous anger toward anything that is interpreted as going against what the most popular self-appointed “Traditionalist” voices believe is true.
Ok, I just couldn’t tell exactly what you meant by that post.

I agree. Like I said, I enjoyed his old videos that were just instructional.

Folks like Marshall, the Gordons, and others on the “Trad media” scene are indeed obsessed with certain expressions of Catholicism that they hold superior over others. They become more attached to an obedience of specific, optional devotions and liturgical forms than to the commandments of God and actual expectations of Catholic life taught by the Church.
I also fear that Marshall’s next “pit stop” will be sedevacantism or something of that sort. He needs our prayers and support.
Although I agree with many of the points raised by Marshall, I think he has caused an incalculable amount of damage to innocent Catholics who watch his show, and are subconsciously duped into believing that being a self-centred, self-absorbed, self-righteous, self-obsessed, egotistical, narcissist is part of what it means to be a Catholic.
You sound more angry and hate filled then he does. Lol

What exactly did he say that got you so fired up?
He needs our prayers and support.
Ironic that you went from your above comment, to this 👆
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What happened to Doc Marshall? How did he go from this regular traditionalist to an sspx sympathiser
The best way to know what happened to Dr. Marshall would be to ask him, otherwise the only response you will be getting here are guesses and these guesses are spoken aloud as gossip and as you can see by some of the posts hateful remarks. This is unChristian as we can not read another person’s heart. That is reserved for God alone.
Why did Doc dethrone Tim Gordon from TNT
Again, the answer to this could only come from Dr. Marshall himself or from Mr. Gordon, though neither are on thrones as they would admit.
won’t even step foot in a novus ordo church
I have heard him mention visiting novus ordo churches.

I do listen to some of Dr. Marshall and where I definitely do not agree with everything he says, noreven like some of the guests he has on, and I agree there has been a change that happened after the McCarrick scandal, as has happened with many Catholics, even some other more prominent ones, I think it is best to reserve judging or examining his and other people’s motives and heart to God.
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I will agree there can be uncharitable people who are traditional Catholics or at times traditional Catholics can be uncharitable as so can every other human but you are actually saying traditional Catholics are some of the “most vile people”? Is this in and of itself a Christian statement.

So, when was raising my family, my middle child had anxiety issues and I remember someone coming to me and telling me that middle children can be the most anxious and unsettled people around. I chose at that time to disregard such a crazy statement that lumped all of one group of people into a category and in all charity, I will disregard your stereotyping of other Catholics also and charitably flagged your post.
St Francis of Assisi once said that we should convert "by obedience to the Holy Rule rather by example than by word.”
The rules St. Francis was talking about was the Rule of St.Francis that they lived by and St. Francis was all about preaching and preached every where he went.

Scripture says faith comes by hearing.

God bless. 🙂
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I will agree there can be uncharitable people who are traditional Catholics or at times traditional Catholics can be uncharitable as so can every other human but you are actually saying traditional Catholics are some of the “most vile people”? Is this in and of itself a Christian statement.
When I was recently suspended from here after a discussion with one of the trads here, I decided to venture into Lifesite News to get a feel for traditionalism. I read an article that was very disrespectful of the Pope so joined in the with comments to redress some of the issues. Within 48 hours I was banned and all my comments deleted. These were not in any way rude or offensive comments. Merely defending the authority of Pope Francis. I invite you to read some of the comments on that site and you would indeed find undeniable vileness.
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