The wise one then asks; if the energy available stopped increasing 40 years ago, how come that the Westerner had not yet realized the error of his ways? Clearly, he must see that his old way can continue no more. Why didn’t he yet give up his quest for things and riches, expel the priests of Mammon, and abandon usury as God ordained?
That’s also a wise question; and the wise one asks it, for being wise himself, he cannot comprehend the stupidity of the Westerner. At the time when the energy stopped increasing there was
a leader of the Westerners who realized what is happening.
He made a speech, and said that lack of the black stuff is the reason for the spiritual sickness; and that the Westerner should no longer rely on the black stuff to make him happy.
The priesthood of Mammon and the merchants of the black stuff would not have it. So they
conspired with an enemy nation, and convinced Westerners to elect a new leader:
a jester. And the jester told the Westerners that all the bad things are the fault of the previous leader. And that it’s not the leaders who should manage things, as they are stupid or corrupt or both; only the
priests of Mammon are of pure spirit, for they follow greed, and
greed is a supreme virtue.
And so, the Westerners ignored the last chance to enter the path of restraint and altruism, and they chose the path of selfishness and greed. And they believed the priests of Mammon who teach that it’s money which makes things, and money is infinite,
because it can be created by them out of nothing; and so, there will be always new things, because there will always be new money. And they
shouted down the people who said that it’s not the money which makes things, but the black stuff; and there will be no more things when there will be no more black stuff. But the priests of Mammon said that it will be always possible to find the black stuff as long as there is money; for it has always been so. And so, they gave the Westerners false hope for the continuation of their lifestyle; and the Westerners have entered the path to their own doom.
As the land of the Westerners had no more black stuff, they started traveling the world to find it. And wherever they went, they drilled the holes to suck out the black stuff. They drilled through the eternal ice in the cold lands; they drilled in the jungle; they drilled in the desert; they even drilled under the sea. And they drilled in other people’s lands, and these people hated them for it; so they started killing the Westerners. And Westerners hated them for this, and wars started, and a lot of evil was done. Ever further and deeper they drilled. More and more black stuff was being found. But they also had children, so there was more and more of them; and so, despite of all this effort there was still as much energy per one of them.
So the Westerners are now unhappy people; they know something is wrong, but don’t know what.
They think that money gives happiness, so they work like slaves to get money. They have more money then ever, but their money is worthless, because there is more money than products; and so they can’t have products they desire. So they take credit to buy products, but it means that they have to give even more money back to the bank, so at the end, they have to work even more.
They know that black stuff makes products, and they are using more black stuff then ever, but this is still not enough. So they drill, and mine, and drill again, and destroy the land to make products. They hate themselves for destroying the land, but they also need products. And the more they drill, the less there is. But they have to keep drilling, and to keep make products, because otherwise their debt will crush them.
And they believe that good times will return when there is more money, because the priests of Mammon told them so. So the priests of Mammon make more money, because they think that more money will make more products. But there cannot be more products, because there is no more black stuff; so the more money the priests of Mammon make, the less it is worth.
Two generations of Westerners have grown up, since the jester and the priests of Mammon gave them the false promise of eternal growth. Yet for two generations, there was no real growth; they work more and more, they drill more and more, they print more and more money, and they are still in the same place.
Westerner worshiped Mammon for over two hundred years; and Mammon was always delivering on his promises. Now, he stopped. Hence the spiritual crisis.
Will the Westerner finally abandon Mammon or rather slide into nihilism?