The Syrian Hoax

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Don’t know what his beef is.

He seems to have forgotten that the US isn’t the only country demanding Syria leave Lebanon (I’ve lost count now but it seems like all the industrialized nations have demanded that) and that Syria signed a treaty with the UN saying it would leave a long time ago.

Bush may have laid the groundwork and may be supporting those who want to be free, but he would do that for any people within the mid east who want to be free. We know that because he told the world that. This guy should know Bush is a man of his word.
And we have repeatedly said on the record in the past three years, not because of this pressure now, the moment the Lebanese government will ask us to leave, we will leave. And we are leaving, absolutely.
How about allowing them to have free elections monitored by the UN? That is what the US did in Iraq. Then we will know the government asking you to stay is not a vassel of Syria. Well, how about it?

Anyway, that’s not the deal Syria made with the UN. The treaty Syria signed said that Syria would leave immediately.
Regarding Rice’s statement that she had “firm evidence that Palestinian Islamic Jihad sitting in Damascus not only knew about the attacks, but was involved in the planning”:
This is extremely disappointing. First, let me say that we condemn what has happened. Second, Syria is providing every possible political support to the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, so that he can enhance the peace process. There is a window of opportunity for peace in the Middle East. We are actually supporting his efforts. Mahmoud Abbas has said something 180 percent contradictory to what Secretary Rice has said. He said there is no evidence whatsoever linking Syria to that attack.

We feel disappointed because this is reminiscent to the series of accusations that used to be leveled against Iraq before the invasion on Iraq.
reported that Israel had passed on to the US Sunday Timestranscripts of a phone conversation in which Shallah orders the March 25 suicide bombing on Tel Aviv’s beachfront promenade. …

In last week’s Cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Israel will use intelligence information to prove Syria was behind the suicide bombing in Tel Aviv.

According to the two, the irrefutable evidence to this effect has been sent to the US and select European allies.

“We have intelligence information that the orders came from the Islamic Jihad in Syria,” a senior source close to Sharon said. “We know where the orders for the attack were issued, we know where they were sent, and we know Syrian intelligence was involved and provided logistical support.”

Mofaz told the cabinet that an Islamic Jihad cell in Jenin recruited the bomber from Tulkarm under orders from Damascus.

Mofaz said that Israel had arrested Islamic Jihad operatives in Tulkarm, but both Mofaz and Sharon emphasized that the PA had taken no action yet against the group, even though Israel had given the PA names of wanted Islamic Jihad operatives.

“Although we know for a certainty that the orders came from Islamic Jihad elements in Syria, that fact is not enough to absolve the PA of its responsibility for the departure of the terrorist and of its obligation to act against his partners in the crime,” Sharon said.

Israeli officials said PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas must find the bombing conspirators before talks on the handover of five West Bank cities resume.

“We are waiting to hear the results of the [Palestinian] investigation into the bombing that came from the very same city they want us to hand over,” said Israeli spokesman Assaf Shariv. Abbas said the Palestinians continued to investigate the attack “despite the fact it was orchestrated from places which we have no responsibility” for. He said he had no information linking Syria to the attack.
As to terrorist groups based in Syria:
What we said to the Americans in the past two years — and now I am repeating this, on the record — is “The moment you bring us a shred of evidence that anybody, anybody is doing this, we will act upon it.” I will repeat: “We will act upon it.”

But the problem is they never come to us and tell us, “Look, this is what we have.” They only go to the media and say, “We think that this is happening,” or “We believe that this is happening out of Damascus.” Now we do not allow this. We do not believe this is happening, but we do not stop here. We tell our American counterparts, “Whenever you want to really find a solution to this problem, come and discuss it with us. Show us what evidence you have, and we will act upon it.”
What a crock. Sorry but now that they are worried about the US invading they just happened to start cleaning house and have announced they kicked some terrorist leaders out today. The head of Hammas and Islamic Jihad being two of them.

Maybe the problem is Syria doesn’t lie well.

But Syria is right to be afraid. If I were Assad I would be afraid, very afraid. See: Spiderhole Nightmares
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