Vladimir Lossky wrote In the Image and Likeness of God, pp. 82-83.This unique cause is not prior to his effects, for in the Trinity there is no priority and posteriority. He is not superior to his effects, for the perfect cause cannot produce inferior effects. He is thus the cause of their equality with himself. {20} The causality ascribed to the person of the Father, who eternally begets the Son and eternally causes the Holy Spirit to proceed, expresses the same idea as the monarchy of the Father: that the Father is the personal principle of unity of the Three, the source of their common possession of the same content, of the same essence.We do not use the words “cause” and “effect” when speaking of the trinity because it can lead to awkward assumptions that don’t apply to God. For example, if the Son is of the same substance and nature as the Father and the Father’s substance is uncaused, how can the Son be eternally caused? This amounts to saying that the Father’s substance is both uncaused and caused at one and the same time.
Neither can it be said that the Son is eternally procreated because the Son is not a creature just as the Father is not a creature. The Son and Holy Spirit are of the same substance as the Father.
Eternally begotten means that the Son has proceeded or has been generated from the Father from all eternity and is of the same substance as the Father.
- “For He would be the origin (arche) of petty and unworthy things, or rather the term ‘origin’ would be used in a petty and unworthy sense, if He were not the origin of the Godhead (tes Theotetos arche) and of the goodness contemplated in the Son and in the Spirit: in the former as Son and Word, in the latter as Spirit which proceeds without separation.”
St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Or. 2, 38; P.G. 35, col. 445.