Ah motive’s there. It’s something like this. Green interests start the fight. Just like they’ve started so many before (from being anti-nuclear power to being anti-LCDs). They need a cause. Or their funding dies out.There are many many outrageous claims on youtube. I can’t take the time to listen to all of them.
What’s missing from the government money vs. fossil fuel money question is the issue of motive. In the case of the fossil fuel industries there is a clear and obvious motive for using their advertising and lobbying dollars to promote skepticism of climate change. But in the case of the government, although there is a lot of money in government, almost all of it is already spoken for, which leaves very little left over for discretionary things like influencing the climate change debate. And unlike the fossil fuel industry, there is no clear and obvious motive for the government to use what little they have left over for this nefarious purpose. I have heard it claimed that they want to do this so they can grow the size of government through regulation. But isn’t pushing climate change about the most ineffective way to grow government, if growing government was your goal? I would think offering more services that people already see as a potential benefit would be a much easier way to “grow government” than to offer a service (fighting climate change) that you have to work really hard to convince people is a benefit to them. (I can offer you free daycare or a reduction in CO2. Which do you prefer?)
Next come the media. They get more attention the worse the news. So they run with the worst case scenarios. Exaggerate a bit here and there. But get excited and make some money at it.
Then the populace gets alarmed. They see the media reports. They want action.
Some clever power types smell money in this. They start whispering about cap and trade rules.
The politicians hold out. For a long time. Waiting. Hoping.
But then some of them start sensing pressure from the electorate. It’s sink or swim. So they put on their ‘climate change’ face. And blow with the wind.
The government money needs to follow the political will. So research for how to tackle GW get priority. They get the first line hand-outs.
So pragmatic scientists know where the trade winds are blowing. And start to tweak their daily routines to capture those kind of grants.
The dissenters are shunted as fringe elements for political expediency. To avoid embarrassment. Because this is not about truth. It’s about power. And staying in power.
Oil companies know their money’s tainted. So research firms hired by them to counter the panic don’t get any play. To absolutely no one’s surprise.
Then the UN sees a way to grow it’s unelected influence. It sees a way to get on the siphoning end of what could be billions in carbon tax transfers. Just thinking what they could do with the money makes them willing do anything. Even if it’s corrupt. Like writing outlines to scientific papers and pressuring for certain pointed interpretations of ideas that haven’t even gotten to a provable point. Instead of allowing scientists to make unbiased views.
Then the whole machine’s in play. And reputations are on the line. And no one with a pay check in this can afford to back down. So the cycle continues. In a bit of a spiral. Sort of like a dog chasing its own tail. Until it’s hit with complete exhaustion.
Or something.
Peace Leaf.