The “form” STEM assumes is variable. STEM itself is invariant. Matter and energy (the two faces of physical existence) can assume many shapes.
Okay, but it doesn’t necessarily assume any particular shape (form)?
The proposition entailing “first” cause is as yet undefined. Just like space and time cannot be defined outside STEM or for STEM, causation cannot be defined either. The Big Bang cosmology says nothing about “causes” and “beginnings” - in general - it merely says that the current form of STEM seems to have been originated about 13 billion years ago - for the observable part of STEM.
The KCA aside, I’m not arguing that there must be a first cause in the sense of a first entity in time. Imagine watch that exists from all eternity. The spring causally precedes the gears, even though the former doesn’t temporally precede the latter. So, even if the universe is eternal, or temporally necessary, it is still dependent on the first cause.
What I’m getting at is this. If the first cause (or, first mover, per Thomas’ “first way”) possesses certain attributes that the physical universe does not, then the two cannot be identical. I would argue that the first cause/first mover must possess divine attributes (I apologize for the length).
First of all, the first mover must be eternal. For, if the first mover ever came into being or ceased to exist, it would be changed from potentiality to actuality, or from non-being to being, or vice-versa. Since the first mover is changeless, then, it must exist at all times, and is therefore eternal.
Secondly, the first mover must be one. If there were more than one first mover, then there would be distinctions between them. But, distinctions entail limitations, and limitations entail potentiality. For example, if A is distinct from B, it can only be because A lacks something B has, or else B lacks something A has. This implies that if one lacks something, it can have something added to it. However, any addition would result in a change, and we have seen that the first mover is changeless. As a result, there can be only one first mover, and not many.
Finally, the first mover must be omnipotent and omniscient. Beings composed of potentiality and actuality, like human beings, are said to be partly actual. We have some power and some knowledge. From this we may infer that a purely actual being would possess all power and all knowledge, e.g., the first mover is all-powerful (omnipotent) and all-knowing (omniscient). This confirms our intuition that effects have a certain, even if not exact, likeness to their cause. In order for intermediate movers to be powerful and knowledgeable, their first mover, or source of motion, must itself possess these qualities.
So, we have a changeless, eternal, unitary, omnipotent and omniscient first mover. As St. Thomas puts it, “this everyone understands to be God.”