This is a good story which has a big flaw because man stays in the state imperfection forever which inforece the possibility of falling again! So what is the purpose?
Nope, man
participates in his perfecting as a matter of the
will, by choosing to commune or unite with God, a state where his perfection is then fully consummated. To the extent that we will rightly, our perfection is the greater.
This is nonsense since we cannot be free if we purely obey! State of staying obedient to God is the state of torture since there is always tendency to do otherwise! So what is the purpose?
Yes, we
can be free in our obedience, in fact that’s the only place we find true freedom. Man was
made for communion with God. Obedience freely chosen is to freely align our wills with His, coming to
agree with Him as we truly come to recognize His infinite superiority and goodness above all things.
This is a romantic story which cannot comes true because we have to obey God.
No, this is a real story that comes true-of its own accord-as we come to
know God.
Yes, unless Adam and Eve were not giving any opportunity except eating the fruit!
They didn’t
have to eat the fruit. This is the essence of their free will. In fact, they could’ve eaten of the Tree of Life, choosing correctly, growing in even greater justice.
Yes, humans aren’t always reasonable. The point is that we must
learn, viscerally, sometimes gruelingly, what is of authentic, lasting value, what is
truly good in this life. And it’s a good struggle, with God being the ultimate good that we want, even if we miss it at first glance, preferring “our” way instead. As we came to know God, we begin to realize that His way us also our way after all. Always was. And presumably Adam knows that by now.