And what is the point? The mysteries finally should become open by normal people so what is the point of delivering them mysteriously at the first place?
. Why the words of God should need any interpretation?
And what is the point? The mysteries finally should become open by normal people so what is the point of delivering them mysteriously at the first place?
. Why the words of God should need any interpretation?
How your relationship with God could be meaningful if you don’t ask what He should do?This is your opinion which I do not share. I would never tell God what He should do.
I am surprised at this question. God is so far superior to us that even to say He is superior does not do justice to it. It is like a gnat telling a human to jump.How your relationship with God could be meaningful if you don’t ask what He should do?
God is love. Isn’t him?I am surprised at this question. God is so far superior to us that even to say He is superior does not do justice to it. It is like a gnat telling a human to jump.
YesGod is love. Isn’t him?
So why you bother to don’t ask for something? You are children of God. So what is the problem?
What makes you assume that I don’tSo why you bother to don’t ask for something? You are children of God. So what is the problem?
It can by God. God by definition is the Creator of all things.But such a thing cannot be made.
@Bahman,Yes, he cannot do something which is logically impossible whether you define evil as lack of good or opposite of good. There is no faulty in premise here.
If you believe the whole story is illogical that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I happen to believe it is logical and it is true.Perhaps there is no truth behind all these questions since the whole story is illogical.
If you believe 100% of the Bible must be true for you to believe the entire Bible, you will be disappointed. The Spirit inspired man to record what God wanted recorded but man is errant so the Bible does contain flaws. Still, my intellect tells me it is true, God is real, and that we are only saved because God allows it to be so. I also believe God has ALWAYS been with us since the day He created us and to the end of the world.Perhaps we should follow our intellects while God is not present to us. Moreover, what is claimed to be words of God must be 100% correct hence finding one inconsistency questions the whole story.
Adam and Eve were good from the time God created them; they weren’t made good because they ate of the fruit.I already discuss this. Eating fruit has a functioning, granting the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve were good so good and evil should be the intrinsic properties of the fruit.
Why words of God should be subjected to time, culture,…?
Forgot to address you second question about how culture affects how we view and understand God’s words. Historians, linguistic experts, and anthropologist all use similar techniques in understanding things from the past. There is context that must be considered or what they interpret will be wrong. God’s words do not change; how we understand them does.I already discuss this. Eating fruit has a functioning, granting the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve were good so good and evil should be the intrinsic properties of the fruit.
Why words of God should be subjected to time, culture,…?
Thoughts from the Almighty are so far beyond our comprehension; we must interpret so we can communicate with others. To suggest God should make His words plain and simple so no interpretation is needed is to say we are gods ourselves and He must bend to our will. To Catholics, this is blasphemy. God gives us the free will to accept or deny His words; what we choose have consequences.You read it so defend it. What is your argument. Why we should interpret the words of God. The world of God should be plain and simple so it doesn’t leave any room for human error.
Human love is a reflection of God’s love in the sense we only experience a portion of the depth of His love. We may ask anything of the Father (Abba) because of our adoption into His family (secured by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross) but we don’t tell God anything.So why you bother to don’t ask for something? You are children of God. So what is the problem?
Sorry, the bible simply doesn’t read like common prose. One private interpretation is as good or bad as another. Mine happens to align with the historical church of Christ, which Jesus established for the purpose of holding and transmitting the faith; the knowledge of the nature and will of God for man.This is your interpretation. Bible says otherwise. Moreover: Then the LORD God said: “See! The man has become like one of us, knowing what is good and what is bad! Therefore, he must not be allowed to put out his hand to take fruit from the tree of life also, and thus eat of it and live forever.”