Tim O’Neill, a noted atheist sets the Gallileo affair straight by exploding a number of myths which have plagued the Church for nearly six hundred years. The truth has always been available but those who hated the Church continued to propagate numerous lies down to the present day, lies that you still find repeated in high school and university texts and popular non-fiction, pseudo science down to the present day. It would be nice if everyone would read the entire article, at least all Catholics. The quote below is myth # 5 which is exposed. quora.com/What-is-the-most-misunderstood-historical-event?share=1#
" 5. Galileo was condemned simply for using science to question Church teachings, which was forbidden by the Church.
As noted above, the Church did not condemn scientific inquiry - in fact, most people at the time that we would call “scientists” (a term not used until 1833, when it was first coined by William Whewell) were also churchmen. And it was not even a problem for someone to show that a traditional interpretation of Scripture or a teaching of the Church had to be reinterpreted by reference to a new understanding of the physical world. The Church taught that divine revelation and the revelations of reason all came from the same ultimate source and so if they seemed to be in conflict, it was our understanding that was the problem. As quoted above, Cardinal Bellarmine noted to Galileo that if heliocentrism could be objectively demonstrated then the scriptures that seemed to support geocentrism should and would be reassessed. Though he added “but this is not a thing to be done in haste”. The problem was that Galileo and the minority of scholars who accepted heliocentrism at that stage had not objectively proven heliocentrism, since there were still several objections that they had not fully answered and which were not answered until long after Galileo’s death (the stellar parallax problem was not definitively answered until 1838).
After Bellarmine’s ruling in 1616 Galileo had to agree that he had not proven heliocentrism. He agreed not to present the Copernican model as objective fact, since he could not prove it to be such. He agreed only to explore it and teach it as a calculating device for astronomical purposes. In 1632 the Pope asked Galileo to write a book presenting both the Copernican and Ptolemaic models, with arguments as to the strengths and weaknesses of both. Galileo produced The Dialogue Concerning the Two World Systems, but did so in a way that made it clear he considered the Copernican model superior. He also put some of the arguments used by the Pope into the mouth of a character in his dialogue called “Simplicio” - which in Italian meant “the fool”.
Angered by this, the Pope effectively withdrew his support for Galileo and allowed him to be tried by the Inquisition for breaking his agreement of 1616 in the way he argued in the Dialogue. The Inquisition found that he had and he was punished for this. "
So the Gallileo affair had absolutely nothing about a dispute between the Church and Science or about the Church limiting or criticizing or insulting science or being an enemy of science or trying to control science. It was about petulant personalities most of all, including that of a Pope and Gallileo himself and jealouse scientists themselves.
Those commenting will have been expected to have read the entire article.
" 5. Galileo was condemned simply for using science to question Church teachings, which was forbidden by the Church.
As noted above, the Church did not condemn scientific inquiry - in fact, most people at the time that we would call “scientists” (a term not used until 1833, when it was first coined by William Whewell) were also churchmen. And it was not even a problem for someone to show that a traditional interpretation of Scripture or a teaching of the Church had to be reinterpreted by reference to a new understanding of the physical world. The Church taught that divine revelation and the revelations of reason all came from the same ultimate source and so if they seemed to be in conflict, it was our understanding that was the problem. As quoted above, Cardinal Bellarmine noted to Galileo that if heliocentrism could be objectively demonstrated then the scriptures that seemed to support geocentrism should and would be reassessed. Though he added “but this is not a thing to be done in haste”. The problem was that Galileo and the minority of scholars who accepted heliocentrism at that stage had not objectively proven heliocentrism, since there were still several objections that they had not fully answered and which were not answered until long after Galileo’s death (the stellar parallax problem was not definitively answered until 1838).
After Bellarmine’s ruling in 1616 Galileo had to agree that he had not proven heliocentrism. He agreed not to present the Copernican model as objective fact, since he could not prove it to be such. He agreed only to explore it and teach it as a calculating device for astronomical purposes. In 1632 the Pope asked Galileo to write a book presenting both the Copernican and Ptolemaic models, with arguments as to the strengths and weaknesses of both. Galileo produced The Dialogue Concerning the Two World Systems, but did so in a way that made it clear he considered the Copernican model superior. He also put some of the arguments used by the Pope into the mouth of a character in his dialogue called “Simplicio” - which in Italian meant “the fool”.
Angered by this, the Pope effectively withdrew his support for Galileo and allowed him to be tried by the Inquisition for breaking his agreement of 1616 in the way he argued in the Dialogue. The Inquisition found that he had and he was punished for this. "
So the Gallileo affair had absolutely nothing about a dispute between the Church and Science or about the Church limiting or criticizing or insulting science or being an enemy of science or trying to control science. It was about petulant personalities most of all, including that of a Pope and Gallileo himself and jealouse scientists themselves.
Those commenting will have been expected to have read the entire article.