the truth

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Wow, rock on Michael:) It’s nice to know that there are people out there still willing to listen even when they don’t agree.

Through Christ’s sacrifice, His love, we are saved. However, I know that everyone here, including 7 day catholic, would confess that, regardless of Christ’s undying presence in our hearts, we still sin and do not having completely pure, good souls…we are still tainted though forgiven…there is a difference between being saved and being clean for the grace of Heaven. Purgatory is the purifying fire, as previous posts here have already supported with biblical passages…I for one know for a fact that, upon my death, I would not be clean or pure enough for the grace of Heaven…Heaven is a perfect place, paradise…Purgatory makes us clean enough to be ready to enter it as new, white souls, completely changed from our mortal lives.

I know that I did not word that correctly, someone please help me out here and attempt to try to explain what I am aiming at:) sorry:)
7 day catholic:
you are believing in false teachins,even the catholic encyclopedia says thast purgatory is not found in the bible and also the catholic church is full of tradition which have no solid foundations just study the church fathers and read up on what they said about are very naive.
Again, when you have demonstrated from Scripture that Scripture is the sole rule of faith, perhaps we will listen to your self-appointed superpope ponitfications about other teachings. You accused some of us of not reading the Bible. I can be reasonbly sure that the responding posters have read and have even given quotes whereas you have not. Again, please show us the word ‘Trinity’ in the bible.

7 day catholic:
… the catholic church is full of tradition …
Yes, the Catholic Church is full of tradition! I wonder what the Bible has to say about it? (I’ll even quote the KJV, so you’ll know there’s no Catholic trickery going on)
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.
Thessalonians 2:15-17

7 day catholic:
you are very naive.
I might be naive–I studied religion at a Baptist university, so I guess you can blame it on them.
7 day catholic,

May I ask if the ‘catholic’ in your pseudonymn is in reference to your affiliation with a Catholic Church (Large ‘C’ intended), or is it a small ‘c’ in reference to your affiliation with the catholic church (small ‘c’ intended) which is the Universal Church of Christ (i.e. Christian)?
I’m certainly not pointing fingers here, just looking for some clarification.

Peace to all 🙂
7 day catholic:
hia i believe in the facts just the facts,and there is no where in the bible of a word called purgatory,it is just not the book of maccabees it hints at it but those were preys for the dead.i believe in what aathe great apostle paul said thet to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord.
Let me ask you…
  1. Would you agree that in this life, we are sinful and have a sinful nature?
  2. Would you agree that in heaven we will not only not sin, but we will not even have a desire to sin?
  3. Would you agree that there was a fundamental change in our nature, from a sinful one to a sinless one?
Well, Catholics call that fundamental change, purgatory. We are purged of our sinful nature.
Purgatory is something even CS Lewis believed in.

It is where the merits of Christ burn away any residual selfishness from a soul before it enters heaven. It is not a second chance. Everyone in Purgatory goes into Heaven.

Protestants would say that we are covered dunghills in heaven that are being masked by Christ’s righteousness. To me, that sounds like we are “deceiving God”.

What is more truthful? That Christ’s merits make us holy before we enter Heaven or that we enter Heaven “masked”?

I say, honesty is foremost in the very presence of God.
7 day catholic:
you are believing in false teachins,even the catholic encyclopedia says thast purgatory is not found in the bible and also the catholic church is full of tradition which have no solid foundations just study the church fathers and read up on what they said about are very naive.
It is strange to me that non-Catholic post in these forums what the Catholic Encyclopedia is suppose to say and think that no will check.

Nowhere in the Encyclopedia does it say that it is not found in the bible.

Here is part of what it does say:
The Catholic doctrine of purgatory supposes the fact that some die with smaller faults for which there was no true repentance, and also the fact that the temporal penalty due to sin is it times not wholly paid in this life. The proofs for the Catholic position, both in Scripture and in Tradition, are bound up also with the practice of praying for the dead For why pray for the dead, if there be no belief in the power of prayer to afford solace to those who as yet are excluded from the sight of God?
7 day catholic:
hia i believe in the facts just the facts,and there is no where in the bible of a word called purgatory,it is just not the book of maccabees it hints at it but those were preys for the dead.i believe in what aathe great apostle paul said thet to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord.
Neither is there the terms Trinity, Christmas, or many others. The terms are an artifact of language used to clarify certain concepts.
7 day catholic:
i go with the bible alone,anfd that`s that.
Try this fact: no where in the Bible does it say that the Bible is the only source of Truth and Divine Revelation. In fact, it says just the opposite.
Can you please answere this one?
Can you please answere this one?
Seeing that his account is in “suspended” status, I don’t think he can.
I would just like to make the point that there are in fact, different places to go after one dies besides heaven or hell. Scripture is where I get this from. Take for example, after Jesus died on the cross, where did he go? Scripture says “Paradise.” It also describes Jesus as “preaching to the sprits in prison.” Hmm’m could heaven be called a prison? Of corse not. Could hell be a prison, and would Jesus preach to the dammed of where there is NO release? Of corse not. Obviosly, there was another place where the old testament saints had to go. Well, when did Jesus go to heaven after he died? Scripture tells us. Fourty days after he rose from the dead. He assended into heaven, and not before.That is what the Bible says, let us just settle it then, not adding words not printed in the bible, and not adding interprtation to support our own personal beliefs. God Bless You All!
7 Day Catholic, who is obviously not Catholic at all, beautifully demonstrates the fallacy of Protestant interpretation. When I was active on the CARM board, a Protestant website, I was involved in an intelligent discussion with a guy who went by the handle of “faithbuilder.” This man, as evidenced in his earlier posts, was a devout and unshakable believer in the notion that Christ’s Justification, Righteousness, and Merit were “imputed” onto us.

Yet, at the first time he perceived that I had insulted him, (I say perceived because no offense was either rendered or intended) he went absolutely ballistic! You wouldn’t believe it. He hurled insults, accusations, and vulgarity at me in ways both unChristian as well as juvenile. This man demonstrated that he had no Christ in him at all, as no one with even an iota of grace would have so viciously attacked me for a perceived offense. Faithbuilder demonstrated in his actions that his philosophy of imputed traits was wrong.

7 Day Catholic, while not nearly as caustic, has done the same.

It amazes me how often both Catholics and Protestants claim to have Jesus in them, but then manifest sinful, graceless man in all his ignoble glory at the first pin-prick.

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