The Two Popes on Netflix

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Absolutely. As I say he came across as wanting the papacy above all others.
I very much enjoyed the scene near the end where the two popes hear each other’s confessions.
I actually sort of enjoyed the film up until this scene, which infuriated me. Anyone who has paid any attention to the sex abuse scandal in the Church, and specifically to Pope Benedict XVI’s action against Marcial Maciel compared to the allegations against then Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio facilitation of coverup would be just as enraged. This film is libelous propaganda.
I thought it was a great movie shedding some light on the background of Pope Francis in his early days of his calling and the mistakes he made as a Jesuit and his embracing of Liberation Theology! “Don’t forget the poor!”
I agree with you. The review I read described the personalities out of character.

I think most people will come away from seeing the movie believing it is correct.
I enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed learning more about the Pope Francis origin story. The movie discussed his call to priesthood and his struggles as head of the Jesuits in Argentina, the aftermath of being in that position in the Jesuits at such an early age, and how that aftermath shaped him.
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I agree the confession of Pope Benedict hit below the belt. I didn’t like that part. It implied Pope Benedict was purposely covering up abuse. They didn’t have evidence for that. They should have left that part out of the movie.
Honestly looks stupid to me. I heard its about the world having 2 popes. Feels like Hollywood “Catholic” BS to me. Kinda like the movie the nun or anabel. Making a mockery of our religion as if we believe in crazy magical things. Or the stupid thing of giving a priest a line to where he takes the lord’s name in vein only for shock affect of laughter
Greetings in Christ,
I have completely boycotted netflix for some of the content they have, as well as for their support of pro-abortion groups and pro-abortion advocacy.
I have heared that the film disparages Pope Benedict XVI.

God love you
I wasnt so sure. Thats why I said “feels like”. Ya know, like those non factual Hollywood type stuff. They either exaggerate or make things up to cathc people’s attention
So the writers say it is fiction and is what they imagined has happened in the past.

Catholics say it portrays Pope Benedict XVI in a bad light. Some say it portrays both popes falsely. Raymond Arroyo gave it a horrible review. Catholic News Agency gave it a bad review.

I have absolutely no intentions of watching it - ever.

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One of the things I read that about it that indicated the show was likely a hatchet job.
Which I would put zero faith in being accurate. That’s the problem, people see it and assume they are learning something from it.

This even after realizing other parts of the movie are false.
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Raymond Arroyo gave it a horrible review
Arroyo was one of the ew people who ever got o interview Card. Ratzinger. Anyone who watches that interview will see just how horribly Hopkins so missed the mark when it came to portraying BXVI

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Just finished watching it and I don’t think the title Two Popes is fitting for the movie. They could’ve just called it Bergoglio because the movie is focused more on Pope Francis.

They did a great disservice to Pope Benedict, as they portray him as a rigid, out of touch, Ebenezer Scrooge type character. Pope Francis is portrayed as the humble, caring man of true faith. And some of it is over the top but most is subtle.

Their debate in the garden is really ridiculous. They set up Francis as the one who better grasps the understanding of what the Church should be and their exchange has him lecturing Benedict on the role of Jesus in the Church as it pertains to mercy.

There is definitely some irony in the film as Pope Francis says that the true danger to the faith is coming from within the Church itself and he speaks of the sexual abuse scandal as one who is resolute and determined in his handling of it. Also the flashback scenes with the dictatorship of Argentina and the fallout from it seems to mirror what is happening now in China with the Catholic Church there.

Overall it’s a poorly depicted movie that tries to characterize both men as something they are not.
Wondeful movie. Classic hagiography, telling the story to give a spiritual lesson rather than be factually accurate.

The portrayal of Benedict XVI is difficult, but it was done to show him change. The way he reacted to Bergoglio was powerful even if it was written too harshly. Deep scars drove the story, with Benedict almost able to embrace Francis at the end. Not like the embrace between the two Argentine Jesuits, but almost getting there.

The credit sequence, where they watched the World Cup together, was hilarious.
We had an associate pastor who was really excited when Ratzinger was elected pope because he had met him at a book store while he was in Rome. Cardinal Ratzinger had taken the time to pose with them in pictures and spent time visiting with them, asking about where they were from, what they were studying, etc. He described Cardinal Ratzinger as an extremely nice and gracious man. He was quite proud of his picture with him in a Roma bookstore.
hagiography? Who is the saint being portrayed.

What actual change in Benedict XVI is being portrayed?

I have no problem with a fictional account portrayed of an event/meeting of two real people , done in order to provide a accurate portrait of the characters involved (the opera Mary, Queen of Scots comes to mind). But if it provides an inaccurate representation of one or both characters, it loses all value beyond the propaganda intent of it’s writers.
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