I wouldnt say govt is a target anymore, as the US has been a tyrannical govt for some time, but its going to extremes now, dividing the people against themselves in order to bring about a stricter authority, more of a police state than it is now, all done masquerading as ‘national security’ or for the health and safety of everyone.
If you can fool majority of people into believing tyranny is actually in their best interest and being done for their safety, (but not calling it tyranny)…well, that pretty much ensures there will never be any kind of revolution by the people. Plus, the very few people that do try to speak out about this and/or take action to stop it, they are labelled as domestic terrorists…not patriots…?? (that alone should be a huge red flag).
Ive said it before, what this ‘govt’ has accomplished is really amazing and quite clever, its something the founding fathers could have never foreseen and guarded against, if this same tactic had been used by England, I really believe there would have never been an american revolution, they would have had everyone fooled into thinking accepting and living under a monarchy was the best thing for them and health and safety of the society.