Goodness me, I’m stunned – I got 100%! Sister Mary Paul, God rest her soul, would be so proud.
An elementary schooler never forgets Father telling his sister’s class about “Balaam’s ***.”96%! I think the talking donkey got me…don’t remember that bit.
100% - I thought I may have missed the one about the 3 guys, but got it96%! I think the talking donkey got me…don’t remember that bit.
96% yes, that talking donkey got me too.96%! I think the talking donkey got me…don’t remember that bit.
Try the new quiz- Catholic Truths and see what you get there.Well, it said I scored 100%, but I think I answered Bartholomew for the donkey. It looks like other posters said it was another answer. I don’t remember the story or where it’s found in the Bible, but it just sounded right for some reason.
I got 100% but for the sake of my fellow friends here I will post the answers for your edification:
4 Thessalonians
7 Moses
8 Joseph’s brother sold them
9 Joshua
11 Balaam’s
13 Epistle
14 Elijah
15 Ruth
17 Sun Moon stars
18 Understanding
19 27
20 Methuselah
21 eagles
22 Nehemia
24 In Prison
26 Psalms
29 Daniel
30 friends of Daniel
33 Lord
37 Son
Thanks. Now I can go back and redeem myself (by cheating?).I got 100% but for the sake of my fellow friends here I will post the answers for your edification:
4 Thessalonians
7 Moses
8 Joseph’s brother sold them
9 Joshua
11 Balaam’s
13 Epistle
14 Elijah
15 Ruth
17 Sun Moon stars
18 Understanding
19 27
20 Methuselah
21 eagles
22 Nehemia
24 In Prison
26 Psalms
29 Daniel
30 friends of Daniel
33 Lord
37 Son
93%…At least that’s the name the creator of the quiz gave it. I scored 93% on it, but I know there’s lots of people here who can achieve 100%.
Want to try your hand? Go here to take the quiz.