@Metis2 I agree with most of your points. You are correct, this nation was not founded upon Christianity. It was founded on Enlightenment Age ideals and English Common Law that allowed the requisite freedom for Christianity to thrive in the United States. I don’t agree that most of the founders were Deist. You did have an influential group of Deists, but you also had a number of people with strong Christian backgrounds, particularly in the Anglican and Reformed traditions. That being said, the Founding Fathers did presume that Christian virtues and morals undergirded the system of law and government that was created. They essentially admitted that the Republican form of government instituted in the Constitution is wholly unsuited for a citizenry that lacks virtue, referring to the predominance of the Judeo-Christian ethnic that was overwhelmingly accepted by the vast majority of the population. The government, as was established in the Constitution, cannot long survive if you throw away the social order provided by a population that agrees on the Judeo-Christian ethic as its moral undercurrent. I think we are beginning to see that play itself out in society today.
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