Have you read any of his works? I only have read Pilgrims Progress, the second most printed book in English next to the bible.John Bunyan, good writer and Puritan preacher that he no doubt was, apparently was no expert on the Torah (Mosaic Law).
Well i base my views and Bunyan also on Pauls writings on the Law. I would think as a Pharisee studying under Gamaliel, he was well trained in the Law.
Indeed, but the justice part is the crux, the shedding of blood, to cover transgression…very important part of the Law.Judaism, both in ancient times and today, is a religion based on love, compassion, and mercy intertwined with justice
No doubt you have heard that the love, grace and mercy is in G_d’s provision to make us just in His eyes, thru faith, even in atoning blood that He has always provided, from a ram caught in a thicket, or the animal dying to cover Adam and Eve’s nakedness, etc. The etc. is in my posted sketch.
We read from Paul that the law is the schoolmaster, not the teacher but the one who gathers and brings the children into the classroom and to the teacher.
The Law points to a Messiah, who saves us from consequences of breaking any of the Law, by fulfilling the Law Himself.(it has always been that G_d justifies us).
As to being the light of the world, agree that the Jewish Law is that in citing righteous conduct towards both God and man. Even more so as light to the world in Judaism is their G_d.
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