this would be a good place to give the reference properly referenced
Read it in Calvins commentary on Acts 15:30 on " bible hub"… he says it is " at beginning of his Second Book"
Acts 15 Calvin's Commentaries
From that reference (all emphasis mine)
"Moreover, we may gather out of this place, that they made no small account of James, ([Acts 21:18] forasmuch as he doth with his voice and consent so confirm the words of Peter, that they are all of his mind. And we shall see afterwards how great his authority was at Jerusalem. The old writers think that this was because he was bishop of the place; but it is not to be thought that the faithful did at their pleasure change the order which Christ had appointed. Wherefore, I do not doubt but that he was son to Alpheus, and Christ’s cousin, in which sense he is also called his brother.
Whether he were bishop of Jerusalem or no, I leave it indifferent; neither doth it greatly make for the matter, save only because the impudency of the Pope is hereby refuted, because the decree of the Council is set down rather at the appointment, and according to the authority of James than of Peter.
And assuredly Eusebius, in the beginning of his Second Book, is not afraid to call James, whosoever he were, the Bishop of the Apostles. Let the men of Rome go now and boast that their Pope is head of the Universal Church, because he is Peter’s successor, who suffered another to rule him, [120] if we believe Eusebius."
Here is reference, from
Book II, from Eusebius history translated by Philip Schaff a Protestant
" 2. Then [James], whom the ancients surnamed the Just on account of the excellence of his [virtue], is recorded to have been the first to be made [bishop of the [church] of Jerusalem. This [James] was called the [brother of the Lord because he was known as a son of Joseph, and Joseph was supposed to be the father of Christ, because the Virgin being [betrothed] to him, was found with child by the Holy Ghost before they came together, as the account of the holy Gospels shows."
There is no mention of James being the
bishop of the apostles. James is an apostle, and he is the 1st bishop of Jerusalem, but he is NOT what Calvin wrote Eusebius said he was… bishop of the apostles
And Calvin’s last comment is just the heretic Calvin letting off steam
We have a problem
Either Calvin mistranslated Eusebius, or maybe Schaff mistranslated Eusebius, but either way we have a confl;ict.
I’ll just say, Schaff is no pro Catholic Protestant.
BTW, This is why I ask for references
properly referenced.