Jesus knew in advance those (called disciples) who saw His miracles, would reject what He would teach them, and leave Him, before He even gave them the bread of life discourse . Because as He said, they had no faith .
they did not believe from the beginning, which totally unlike non literal eaters today.
Those you mention, who won’t agree, qualify as non believers too
The superfluous eating, actual gnawing at the third mention, was precisely put forth to make them go away and cease from following under wrong pretenses. That is why He did not explain your unbloody eating or our spiritual or figurative eating to those departing. Similar to His explanation of why He spoke in parables to the people.
Jesus didn’t further explain Himself because He knew it would do no good with
THEM. One can’t believe if they have no faith.
EVEN when it is GOD doing the teaching…
Those who left, told God to His face, they don’t accept what He is teaching them. They even expand the point by saying
who could even listen to it
Jesus gave His Church the perfect example to follow here, with those who won’t agree…
He desires that all freely be disciples but under right pretense , in truth and spirit…
Jesus already knows EVERYTHING with every person from beginning to end. EVERYTHING. There are no surprises.
While we have opportunities, to help others on this side of eternity, Not knowing if it helps or not
We do
in advance, because we are told by the ONE who knows EVERYTHING,
While God desires all to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth
In Reality
Few are saved.
as Jesus said
Meaning all the rest
aren’t saved. And I think
THAT is the scariest teaching in scripture.
I find comfort that He did not let them remain in such false hopes. A bit like Paul’s admonition to let those refusing admonition to live holy depart, in hopes that more darkness(even Satan) may wake them up to the light they were close to or had.
When Paul was instructing Bishop Titus, about dealing with those in heresy, he put some qualifications
Titus 3:10-11 “As for a man who is
factious αἱρετικὸν , after admonishing him once or twice, have nothing more to do with him, 11 knowing that such a person is
perverted ἐξέστραπται and sinful; he is
self-condemned αὐτοκατάκριτος .”