This is precisely the kind of situation for which cell phones may be allowed to be turned on.I’m going to throw a monkey wrench into the discussion.
our Priest usually turns his cell phone off during Mass. one day a couple months ago, he reached in his pocket during the homily and removed his cell phone. It was a call he was expecting about a 5 yr old parishioner of our sister parish that was near death. That child did die, and Father said he had told the parents to call him no matter when, as even if it was during Mass he wanted to know. the intercessions were changed due to his having died.
There is a difference between taking a life or death call, and taking a call from your friend just to gossip.
Not in the middle of Mass, though, and hopefully not during the hours when people are there to pray.as for using a cell phone outside of Mass times, we have a very rural parish, there is no parish hall, and the rectory is locked nearly all the time as we don’t have a resident Priest. when we are there cleaning, or doing work around the church, cell phones are the only method of communication, and yes they are used in the church itself, but I do not consider that bad manners, simply a way of life.