The Virgin Mary may have looked something like this

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An intelligent person cannot have an unintelligent face.
I would say that you cannot tell someone’s intelligence from their facial features. I see many pictures of myself that make me look like a dolt, but I have objective evidence to the contrary. Not to mention the number of my current and past peers who looked like knuckle-dragging cavemen.
In these cases we say a certain dirty word, jokingly, but I have learned enough about this site not to say it!

I quoted what you said, and that was what I responded to. What did I get wrong?
I read quite well as it is.

You made a statement that an intelligent person cannot have an unintelligent face. I disputed that. Are you now saying that you didn’t actually write what I quoted?
In practice, an Italian in an English-speaking environment must measure words very much, and not rely on a simple naive translation from a dictionary.
Ciao, io sono Italiana e vivo da molti anni negli USA. Qui rispetto all’Italia le parole hanno piu’ peso e si fa ancora piu’ attenzione quando si toccano certi temi (etnie, caratteristiche fisiche, religione, politica etc). Tieni anche presente che spesso in internet si perdono tono di voce, espressione del viso etc. per cui parole dette in tono lieve vengono invece percepite in tono aggressivo.
In an intelligent person, there is a depth in the gaze that a single photograph may not reveal.

Maybe you and your family members don’t look so good in photography - maybe, I guess - but if someone knows you I’m sure they’d say “he has a smart face”.
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I don’t know. It’s always been my understanding that the Jews at the time of Jesus would have primarily looked more like the Greeks and modern day people from Lebanon.

This pick looks more Arab than Greek.

But then again, who knows?

Huh, I’m surprised this hasn’t turned into a Shroud of Turin debate. 🙂
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And yet you said that the (single) picture under discussion was not of an intelligent person. Not to mention the fact that there are several people that I know quite well and know to be intelligent that look like they would have trouble figuring out which shoe to put on which foot, or how to spell their own name. In short, you hold the opinion that you expressed (which is your right of course) but it can be demonstrated that your experience is not universal. That is my only point and the end of my part in this conversation.
I’m picturing us all making up a short list of questions for Jesus and Mary if and when we make it to Heaven, like, “Why does God let bad things happen to innocent children?” and “What did you look like on earth?” and “Is Judas here or down there?”

But if and when we finally meet them, we’ll probably be so overwhelmed with joy and awe that we’ll completely forget our list.
She walked the earth, she was born to her people. She may have looked that way on earth.

I have no problem at all that with apparitions, she can look very different, she is the same Mary, Queen of Heaven… a different stage.

We are earthbound now. Going to heaven alone will probably change us some and being in a brightened light.
Yes, that’s right, but I too have one last thing to say: that when I prepare a single image of a person, I try to make it as good as possible.

But I am happy that you acknowledge that it is a debatable question, at certain moments today - I am not saying you - I had the impression that we were promulgating an encyclical, where every word must rightly be perfectly correct.

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