Relax, friend. We’re just having a discussion. You’re not in North Korean prison camp.Also because they have no mercy on you, with the excuse of re-educating you they break you
Relax, friend. We’re just having a discussion. You’re not in North Korean prison camp.Also because they have no mercy on you, with the excuse of re-educating you they break you
This is true.You could have two photographs of the same person, one with a “dumb” expression on his face and one with a “smart” expression on his face.
I would say that you cannot tell someone’s intelligence from their facial features. I see many pictures of myself that make me look like a dolt, but I have objective evidence to the contrary. Not to mention the number of my current and past peers who looked like knuckle-dragging cavemen.An intelligent person cannot have an unintelligent face.
A post has been removed. I think only the Moderator can do that.By the way: did you remove my first answer to your comment? You could also have asked me
Ciao, io sono Italiana e vivo da molti anni negli USA. Qui rispetto all’Italia le parole hanno piu’ peso e si fa ancora piu’ attenzione quando si toccano certi temi (etnie, caratteristiche fisiche, religione, politica etc). Tieni anche presente che spesso in internet si perdono tono di voce, espressione del viso etc. per cui parole dette in tono lieve vengono invece percepite in tono aggressivo.In practice, an Italian in an English-speaking environment must measure words very much, and not rely on a simple naive translation from a dictionary.