Theistic Evolution?

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Computers cannot program themselves, neither can a living cell. Textbook Evolution? I doubt it.
God bless,
I think you are wrong on both counts there Ed. I have a computer that can indeed program itself.

Cells “program themselves” when they are infected by retro viruses. They manufacture new DNA and insert it into their genome as “new code”.

Also the B-Lymphocyte cells in our immune system program themselves by altering their DNA such that they bind with greater affinity to invading organisms.

If that didn’t happen then vaccination wouldn’t work.

Gosh! That surely implies that the Church doesn’t know what to teach and hides to avoid the horns of a dilemma that would have it denying previous teachings or denying science.
There’s no hiding, considering how explicit they are in their lack of decisive teaching. The Church has no need to absolutely bear down on all issues - they don’t need to tell physicists which interpretation of QM is correct either.
Thanks for the link. It re-affirms the necessity of the Church and belief in Christ for salvation. There is also the claim that I am to be “more severely judged” because I am an ex-Catholic who does not believe that Christ was a God.
I regard that as being distinctly unfriendly and unjust. I don’t control what I believe because I am honest. Why should I be damned for all eternity for being honest?
It also fails to resolve the self contradiction in Lumen Gentium which also says that the Church is NOT necessary for salvation and “The Mohamedans” who deny that Chist is the saviour will be saved:
There’s no contradiction there. All Salvation comes through Christ. If a muslim is saved, it isn’t through the power of Mohammed’s teachings (though there can be good in such teachings), but through Christ. If a buddhist is saved, it isn’t due to the teachings of Buddha (which, again, can have plenty of good in them), but through Christ. Missionary work remains important - they’re still in a darkness, they still benefit tremendously from direct knowledge of and access to the Church.

So what you’re reading is that someone can be saved through Christ, and through the church, while being of another faith. It remains important to engage such people, always.
It does permit the evolutionary model, as regards the human body. The human soul is a different matter, and evolution has nothing to say about it.

“True men” is more than just a biological description. “True men” have human souls as well.
Catholic teaching does not allow a preexistent hominid to be infused with a soul. It requires that the body and soul
are created together known as special transformism

If one believes that God had to perfect the body to receive a soul this is a problem for evolution for it could not and requires an action by God. When God breathed life He didn’t breath life into a living being but a nonliving being.
yes that is true when we say that true men have souls but when it comes to accepting truth coming from science like the evolution theory of darwin is another thing.

faith and reason as what st. Thomas Aquinas declared. if god didn’t intend man to be having any intelligence it should be true that man is not allowed to explore science and even come to the point of questioning God’s existence or nature. but for sure when god put intelligence to man ha had already seen the possibility that man may go beyond the limit. however, whether we question god, he is still god and that will never change.

science is a partial part of reality that god created and bestowed ion the world, hence, it is not yet the whole of the reality itself!

whatever science asserts it is up to the persons inclination and disposition to believe or not.

how sure we are that what we think is true really true? or how do we know that we know truth?😉
There’s no hiding, considering how explicit they are in their lack of decisive teaching. The Church has no need to absolutely bear down on all issues - they don’t need to tell physicists which interpretation of QM is correct either.
As we have seen, the Church clearly teaches that Adam and Eve were our "First Parents and insists on the doctrine of Original Sin. I ask how that can be compatible with the evolutionary model and the answer seems to be “Dunno, you can believe whatever you like in that area”.
There’s no contradiction there. All Salvation comes through Christ. If a muslim is saved, it isn’t through the power of Mohammed’s teachings (though there can be good in such teachings), but through Christ.
As VociMike said, “the key phrase is ‘extra ecclesiam nulla salus’” - outside the Church there is no salvation".

Lumen Gentium is quite specific on the point and it cites the words of Jesus as scriptural warrant for the position:
Lumen Gentium:
In explicit terms He Himself affirmed the necessity of faith and baptism(124) and thereby affirmed also the necessity of the Church, for through baptism as through a door men enter the Church.
(124) Cf. Mc 16, 16; Jn. 3, 5.

Mc 16,16: Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

JOHN 3,5: Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.”

Most Muslims know about Jesus because he is mentioned in the Qur’an. They also know about Christians ( The people of the Book) and their beliefs.
So what you’re reading is that someone can be saved through Christ, and through the church, while being of another faith. It remains important to engage such people, always.
How can that be? Muslims reject the idea of Christ as the son of God and John goes on to add:

JOHN 3:18: Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

That all seems quite explicit to me. You can’t have it both ways and then claim high integrity in the face of such a glaring contradiction. There is no higher claim of integrity than the claim of infallibility. Lumen Gentium claims itself to be infallible. Yet it clearly contradicts itself.

Does not compute.

As an ex-Catholic I have a personal interest in all this because Lumen Gentium goes on to say:
Lumen Gentium:
Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by Christ, would refuse to enter or to remain in it, could not be saved … All the Church’s children should remember that their exalted status is to be attributed not to their own merits but to the special grace of Christ. If they fail moreover to respond to that grace in thought, word and deed, not only shall they not be saved but they will be the more severely judged.(13*)
In rejecting the Catholic faith I so “Fail to respond” and I am therefore not only to be beyond salvation I am to be “the more severely judged”. But why? Why should I be condemned for all eternity for being honest and seeking to eliminate misconception ( the way of science) and contradiction ( the way of logic) from my understanding?

Because I am honest I cannot make myself “believe” and I cannot sweep these issues under some carpet and pretend that I don’t know about them.

So I ask if anyone can resolve these matters.

If God turns out to be there after all, I would much prefer to stand before him as an honest person who got it wrong for the right reason than as one who got it right for the wrong reason.

how sure we are that what we think is true really true? or how do we know that we know truth?😉
Good Question 🙂

Believing because you believe you believe is “The Loop” and because it can accommodate any belief it is not sufficient for those who seek the truth on a high integrity basis.

how sure we are that what we think is true really true? or how do we know that we know truth?😉
We don’t. This is the question of the ages. Our problem has always been by far epistemological. What people tend to do is form a conclusion that feels safe and then squish the “evidence” to make it fit.

I don’t know why people are so fearful of being more objective. God is always safe. He’s not going anywhere no matter what science finds. Because we reside inside of time and space, like fish in water, we are woefully myopic when it comes to understanding things outside the “fishtank”.
There’s an implicit loop in that 🙂 It amounts to “You believe that your belief about God is true because you believe it to be true.” That loop bothered me a lot during my long Catholic education. In the end I decided that I don’t control what I believe. The evidence does.
That is a valid point. During RCIA (we may have waved to each other as I was arriving at Catholicism and you were leaving) I was told that I must assent to the whole enchilada. It was as if there was an access panel in my skull where I could just throw a switch. The term “required to believe” has to be one of the most ignorant mandates in the history of mandates. Either one believes or they don’t. There are many good reasons to be Catholic. But expecting blind acceptance of EVERYTHING is weird.
My point is that the assertion by a human that God exists when science can find no evidence of that proposition and many similar views held by other humans are known to be wrong cannot be described as a “humble” attitude. 🙂
I think science and religion are both at fault for opposite reasons. Religion is wrong to reject what empirical science reveals and science is wrong for its arrogance by insisting that what it observes presupposes the absence of a Diety merely because He doesn’t register on its instrumentation.

Science is cool. Religion is cool. They are intimately and necessarily related. But they are like twins who deny the existence of each other and they are both poorer for it.
As we have seen, the Church clearly teaches that Adam and Eve were our "First Parents and insists on the doctrine of Original Sin. I ask how that can be compatible with the evolutionary model and the answer seems to be “Dunno, you can believe whatever you like in that area”.
The answer is that there are multiple answers congruent with the Catholic position. We know we had first parents, we know original sin flows from them. If they had biological ancestors, that’s fine. If they did not, that’s also fine. The specific conditions and event details aren’t specified, nor need to be. You seem to want to know what the specific teaching is, and when you’re told there is none as specific as you’re asking, that somehow is itself incompatible. To each their own, I just don’t see the problem.
As VociMike said, “the key phrase is ‘extra ecclesiam nulla salus’” - outside the Church there is no salvation".
Lumen Gentium is quite specific on the point and it cites the words of Jesus as scriptural warrant for the position:
Well, obviously I’m familiar with that teaching. 🙂

Again: They can be saved without being Catholic. But their salvation does not come from their beliefs, but through Christ and the church. That they reject the church does not change this (especially considering they do so under a belief that the church is not necessary), along the lines of how someone can reject a foreign military, but said military’s medics may still save them if they’re wounded on the battlefield. A rough analogy, but I think it works.

You say you fail to respond, but frankly, I don’t see how. Do you think the Church is necessary? Apparently not - you rejected it because you really don’t believe it is. I think you’re wrong, but culpability plays a role in these things. Do you really think the Church IS necessary, and rejected it because you want no part of God’s plan? Then some penalty certainly seems to follow - but then, most of your argument here is moot anyway.

Besides, from LG:

He is not saved, however, who, though part of the body of the Church, does not persevere in charity. He remains indeed in the bosom of the Church, but, as it were, only in a “bodily” manner and not “in his heart.”(12) All the Church’s children should remember that their exalted status is to be attributed not to their own merits but to the special grace of Christ. If they fail moreover to respond to that grace in thought, word and deed, not only shall they not be saved but they will be the more severely judged.(13*)*

I find it odd you ellipsis’d off LG the way you did. The quoted section is saying that if you’re part of the Church, but insincere, that is where the particular trouble comes in. In fact, this sort of teaching specifically guards against forcing people into the church intellectually or otherwise - it does no one any good.


But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Mohamedans, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind. Nor is God far distant from those who in shadows and images seek the unknown God, for it is He who gives to all men life and breath and all things,(127) and as Saviour wills that all men be saved.(128) Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience.(19) Nor does Divine Providence deny the helps necessary for salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of God and with His grace strive to live a good life. Whatever good or truth is found amongst them is looked upon by the Church as a preparation for the Gospel.(20*) *

…Really, LG seems to stress that while salvation only comes through the church, salvation doesn’t only come expressly to those proclaiming to be Catholic. Jews, muslims, pagans, nonbelievers - especially those who honestly strive to live a good life can be rewarded, even if the mission of the Church to preach and convert remains ever essential.

Besides, I find it hard to take seriously that you’re an ex-catholic who expressly does not believe, but you’re worried because you think (wrongly) that the church insists you’re damned for your lack of belief. You can’t “sweep aside” issues of the teachings of a faith you explicitly reject? C’mon.

Either way, there’s no contradiction here. Non-Catholics can be saved - if they are saved, they are saved through Christ and the Church, not through any other faith or being. It was straightforward enough to be understood by everyone at the time it was proclaimed and since then.
How do you know if that is true or not? 🙂
Because the “fish” do not possess the necessary “equipment” to disprove the existence of the person who has their being outside the bowl, breathes air and sprinkles fish food into the water.😉
Because the “fish” do not possess the necessary “equipment” to disprove the existence of the person who has their being outside the bowl, breathes air and sprinkles fish food into the water.😉
That’s my point. 🙂

You claim to know something about the outside of the tank. Namely that God is there and that he is always safe? How do you know that anything is there? It could be some other God, Satan or just a super-alien being?

How do you even know that there is an “outside”?

Hi Nullasalus,

Thanks for your detailed response.
The answer is that there are multiple answers congruent with the Catholic position. We know we had first parents, we know original sin flows from them. If they had biological ancestors, that’s fine. If they did not, that’s also fine.
If you say that then you merely declare a belief rather than a conclusion based on evidence. Science doesn’t do that, it developes theories which deliver explanatory power in the light of the evidence. Those theories indicate that all humanoid beings had parents. So denying that is to deny the scientific argument. I can’t see that as being “fine”.
Well, obviously I’m familiar with that teaching. 🙂

Again: They can be saved without being Catholic. But their salvation does not come from their beliefs, but through Christ and the church. That they reject the church does not change this
That is in direct contradiction with LG when it says that
"Lumen Gentium:
In explicit terms He Himself affirmed the necessity of faith and baptism(124) and thereby affirmed also the necessity of the Church, for through baptism as through a door men enter the Church.
along the lines of how someone can reject a foreign military, but said military’s medics may still save them if they’re wounded on the battlefield. A rough analogy, but I think it works.
I love analogy but that one doesn’t work. The medics have a strict order from the top brass ( The words of Jesus Christ) that they must not save anyone who is not in their army.
You say you fail to respond, but frankly, I don’t see how.
You seem to be arguing that when LG says:
"Lumen Gentium:
Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by Christ, would refuse to enter or to remain in it, could not be saved.
the word “knowing” means “believing”. Because of my Catholic education I “Know” what Catholics believe but I do not believe it myself. I therfore “refuse” to remain in the Church and, according to the belief, I am to be punished for that.
I find it odd you ellipsis’d off LG the way you did. The quoted section is saying that if you’re part of the Church, but insincere, that is where the particular trouble comes in. In fact, this sort of teaching specifically guards against forcing people into the church intellectually or otherwise - it does no one any good.
It seems to me that LG is very clear that any lack of belief in the Catholic faith is to be punished by damnation. There’s no justice in that when, as in my case, the lack of belief is the result of honesty. I made the transition from being a devout young Catholic to being an ex-Catholic over a number of years as my doubts accumulated. I see nothing in that that justifies my damnation for all eternity.
…Really, LG seems to stress that while salvation only comes through the church, salvation doesn’t only come expressly to those proclaiming to be Catholic. Jews, muslims, pagans, nonbelievers - especially those who honestly strive to live a good life can be rewarded, even if the mission of the Church to preach and convert remains ever essential.
There’s that contradiction again. If LG stresses the necessity of faith in Christ and baptism as being necessary you cannot claim that these things are not necessary without contradiction. It’s a matter of simple logic.
Besides, I find it hard to take seriously that you’re an ex-catholic who expressly does not believe, but you’re worried because you think (wrongly) that the church insists you’re damned for your lack of belief. You can’t “sweep aside” issues of the teachings of a faith you explicitly reject? C’mon.
In my youth I had the catholic faith drummed into me with considerable force. I came to see many logical problems and contradictions and I was unable to make sense of what I was told that I believed. I realised that I don’t control what I believe and no other person has the right to tell me what I believe.

Those were the days long before the Internet and my ability to research the matter was very limited. Now that has all changed and I would like to revisit the issues to see if I did the right thing all of those years ago. I see no contradiction in that. But I do see a certain humility 🙂

VociMike tells us that he followed a similar path and then returned to the Church. Why can’t I consider if I should do the same?
Either way, there’s no contradiction here. Non-Catholics can be saved - if they are saved, they are saved through Christ and the Church, not through any other faith or being. It was straightforward enough to be understood by everyone at the time it was proclaimed and since then.
Yes it’s straightforward enough - a straightforward contradiction. 🙂

I suppose the “bottom line” here is this: Assuming that other aspects of my life qualify as “good”, and that I continue to honestly report that I do not believe in the Catholic faith, will I be saved or will I be damned?

That’s my point. 🙂 You claim to know something about the outside of the tank.
Actually, I don’t know anything about the outside of the tank. I only know that there IS an outside of the tank. (BTW, when any person says “I know” it should come with the usual epistemological disclaimer which renders it almost meaningless in a absolute sense.) Before the Big Bang there was no space or time. Space and time had a beginning. A particle existed before it exploded and created time and space. Where did the particle reside? We don’t have the circuits to understand that but it was “outside the tank”.
Namely that God is there and that he is always safe? How do you know that anything is there? It could be some other God, Satan or just a super-alien being?
I don’t know absolutely. But I can interpret areas of high probability. This is much like the world of quantum mechanics where the behavior and exact locations of particles cannot be ultimately known but are understood only within the context of probabilities.

There is much about human nature that cannot be easily understood in a purely mechanical universe. Who are we and where did we come from? Where are we going? What is our purpose here? The stars are silent. Where does love come from? Creativity? Abstract thoughts? Metaphysical phenomena?

In the unimaginably vast sea of probabilities I have landed at Catholicism. I’m here because to me it is the area of highest probability to experience truth. This doesn’t mean that truth cannot exist elsewhere in human experience and spirituality.

Just my meaningless two cents…
(we may have waved to each other as I was arriving at Catholicism and you were leaving)

… science is wrong for its arrogance by insisting that what it observes presupposes the absence of a Diety merely because He doesn’t register on its instrumentation.

but first…
Sadly many scientists paint their vocation in those colours. But I do not and nor do many of my scientific friends.

It is perfectly reasonable (and required by the scientific method) to only suspect divine intervention when there is a reason so to do.

No such reason has yet appeared so there is no need for any accomodation of supernatural actions. 

> Science is cool.  Religion is cool.  They are intimately and necessarily related.  But they are like twins who deny the existence of each other and they are both poorer for it.

Science is indeed cool but it does not ignore Religion - it explains it. Religion however, as evidenced here, is clearly struggling in its attempt to explain Science.

Actually, I don’t know anything about the outside of the tank. I only know that there IS an outside of the tank.
Umm… I see a contradiction in that 🙂 If you know that the outside exists then you do indeed know something about the outside. The question is “How do you know what you claim to know”. According to one solution of Einstein’s equations, the Universe is finite but unbounded. That could mean that there is no “outside”.
Before the Big Bang there was no space or time. Space and time had a beginning. A particle existed before it exploded and created time and space. Where did the particle reside? We don’t have the circuits to understand that but it was “outside the tank”.
If there is no time how can “before” have any meaning that relates to reality?
There is much about human nature that cannot be easily understood in a purely mechanical universe. Who are we and where did we come from? Where are we going? What is our purpose here? The stars are silent. Where does love come from? Creativity? Abstract thoughts? Metaphysical phenomena?
The theory of biological evolution delivers considerable and quite extraordinary insights into those questions. I find the explanatory power that it delivers quite breathtaking.
In the unimaginably vast sea of probabilities I have landed at Catholicism. I’m here because to me it is the area of highest probability to experience truth. This doesn’t mean that truth cannot exist elsewhere in human experience and spirituality.
I, conversely, started with Catholicism and found it wanting. Science is by far the best tool we have for determining the truth about reality. ( and about Religion 🙂 )
Just my meaningless two cents…
Hush now 🙂 Two cents they may be but meaningless they are not. At least not to me. 🙂

If you say that then you merely declare a belief rather than a conclusion based on evidence. Science doesn’t do that, it developes theories which deliver explanatory power in the light of the evidence. Those theories indicate that all humanoid beings had parents. So denying that is to deny the scientific argument. I can’t see that as being “fine”.
There’s plenty of evidence at work in the church’s views on things - ranging from biblical teaching and church tradition to science and philosophy. And the Church does not deny that Adam and Eve had parents - as I said, they’re entirely at home with the theory of evolution, the theory that Adam and Eve could have had biological precursors (in other words, parents). But there comes a break between that biological lineage at a certain point - a ‘before’ and an ‘after’. Even science admits as much, which is why biologists don’t say the human race is billions of years old (stretching us back to the origin of life) but vastly less than that.
That is in direct contradiction with LG when it says that
Faith and baptism - but even far preceding LG was the baptism of desire and the baptism of blood. Baptism of desire lines up entirely with LG - an implicit (not explicit) desire for baptism by sincere seekers of God. The discussions of the range of the baptisms of desire and blood has been ongoing for awhile now - hence the whole discussion about the fates of unbaptized infants, the range of culpability in play in any given sin or act, etc.

So, again, there is no contradiction.
the word “knowing” means “believing”. Because of my Catholic education I “Know” what Catholics believe but I do not believe it myself. I therfore “refuse” to remain in the Church and, according to the belief, I am to be punished for that.
No, it doesn’t. To know is to be certain - to believe involves having some faith. I mean, look at what you just said - ‘I know, but I don’t believe’. Rather indicates ‘knowing’ doesn’t mean ‘believing’, don’t you think?
It seems to me that LG is very clear that any lack of belief in the Catholic faith is to be punished by damnation. There’s no justice in that when, as in my case, the lack of belief is the result of honesty. I made the transition from being a devout young Catholic to being an ex-Catholic over a number of years as my doubts accumulated. I see nothing in that that justifies my damnation for all eternity.
It’s a good thing you’re demonstrably and entirely misreading LG, then - I already provided a fair chunk of it that not only argues that people of other faiths and non-believers can well be saved, but that being in the Church itself is not a guarantee of salvation. In fact, proclaiming yourself to be Catholic just to give yourself a false image of being pious or being a member of the community is a grave mistake.
There’s that contradiction again. If LG stresses the necessity of faith in Christ and baptism as being necessary you cannot claim that these things are not necessary without contradiction. It’s a matter of simple logic.
It’s more a matter of being well-versed IN logic, as well history and language, particularly where the Church is concerned. Back to the baptisms of desire and blood - and it’s worth noting that not every teaching of the church, even teachings related to an explicit infallible declaration, are without discussion. There are various opinions and views among orthodox theologians in good standing who take an assortment of views - hence why topics such as invincible ignorance, culpability, and their relation to salvation get discussed. It’s why there are theologians to begin with; if all aspects of the Church were considered utter certainty, there’d be no use for theologians.

What you really mean is that you have a certain interpretation, and by your interpretation there is a contradiction. It’s not much of a concern; your interpretation is clearly not correct, and other interpretations are available and reasonable.
I suppose the “bottom line” here is this: Assuming that other aspects of my life qualify as “good”, and that I continue to honestly report that I do not believe in the Catholic faith, will I be saved or will I be damned?
“No one can say.” The Church won’t take a position on whether Pilate or Judas were saved or damned. They can say what would aid in your salvation, what would aid your life, what may warrant harsher judgment - but if you’re asking for an explicit formula for salvation/damnation that applies to a wider variety of people than saints, you’re going to come up short. You don’t get certainty even being a believing Catholic.

Edit: And, pertinent enough from the Panzer Pope himself:
And the Church does not deny that Adam and Eve had parents - as I said, they’re entirely at home with the theory of evolution, the theory that Adam and Eve could have had biological precursors (in other words, parents).
Catholic sources please.
Catholic sources please.
To start with,

“The Church does not forbid that…research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter.” - Humani Generis.

If you want to argue that any pre-existent and living being that may have biologically preceded Adam and Eve are ‘not really parents’ on the grounds that they did not have souls or were not ‘true men’, I’m willing to grant that. But I think that distinction, as far as evolution goes, is pretty minimal.
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