OK, I am going to post the definition.
Attachment parenting (AP) defined: High touch, high response parenting. A strong physical bond is fostered through such practices as on-demand and extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and babywearing in a sling or lots of "in-arms" time, and few or no periods of separation. AP is somewhat flexible, as some AP parents do not employ every practice, though many do. It is believed that a strong physical connection leads to a strong emotional connection. Emotionally connected parents are well equipped to identify and respond to their children's needs. An expressed need is quickly attended to. Babies are not allowed to "cry it out" because AP parents believe that crying is not a manipulative ploy, but rather the expression of a need that should be quickly responded to. This teaches a baby trust and forms the emotional foundation for a lifetime of intimate relationships. Discipline is gentle guidance and training, not harsh or physical punishment. As they grow older, children respond to their parents' guidance because they are "connected", not because they are fearful.