This is a continuation of my two previous posts in this thread. I stated that “time” does not exist as an entity unto itself. I believe it to be a “method,” a “device,” a “system” to organize and manage changes resulting from a continuous “cause and effect” world created by God Who is the First and Uncaused Cause… The Indians counted “moons” or seasonal changes. We use earth rotations, earth orbits, and divisions and multiples thereof to organize the changes in our material world. We could use many other things, if we wished, but a standard is necessary. An hour (1/24 of our planet’s rotation time) is not the same on Mars. A year (1 orbit of the earth around our sun) is not the same on Mars (or anywhere else). All we are using when we refer to time is a standard to measure change.
I propose that everything we have experienced in our universe is a progression of cause and effect. I will not accept anything in opposition to the dogmatic Truths of the Catholic Church. Namely, God is the Cause of all existence (by any description) which is not God, and God maintains that existence for as long as it exists.
To ”travel back in time,” to be possible, would mean to reverse the cause and effect progression which proceeds from God as the First Cause. If I were to travel backwards to a previous “time,” it would mean I would have to regress through the changes (by causes and effects) that I have experienced, which means all that had ANY effect on me would have to regress also. That ultimately would mean everything in the universe must regress. I could not go back without everything else going back. I don’t doubt this is possible for God to effect, but not for man.
It would be like recording a motion picture of all the changes in the universe for a given span of causes and effects, and playing the film backwards. By regression I do not mean cycling, nor events occurring in a sine-wave pattern, nor a yo-yo effect. None of those are regressive. Some have proposed that the universe began with a big bang and someday will reach its maximum expansion and begin to collapse back to its pre-big bang size, only to start all over again. I see no evidence in my limited capacity that this has happened or will happen, but I do not exclude the possibility as long as it is a finite cycling. However, that is still progression, not regression. Regression requires that the “effect” of a “cause” reverse or regress backwards. Cycling even of the universe through repeated big-bangs is continued progression. The cause of contraction would be the deterioration of the expansion forces to be overcome by the contraction forces, whatever they might be. This would not be an “effect” turning back on a “cause”.
I’m up against the 3000-character limit again and believe further explanation would only be repetetive. God bless all. Progress in these discussions with an uncompromising eye on Church dogma.