Theology Of The Body

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Hey I was wondering what people knew about the Pope’s Theology Of The Body. I’ve read a little bit of Christopher West’s book The Good News About Sex And Marriage , but really don’t feel I have a full grasp on this subject, especially because I haven’t had time to consistantly sit down to read it.

Does anyone have any good online resources for more information? Or would anyone be willing to talk to me through e-mail or something about it? I’d really appreciate the help!

Thanks! 🙂
Thanks for the link…it’s going to be quite a job to go through all the information there. Overwhelming really.
Thanks for all the links! It’ll give me a lot to read…it seems like there’s people on here who know a lot about this subject. I really appreciate all the help I can get! You guys are great…anyone who would be willing to talk to me about it more leave me a message here or e-mail me!
If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of reading (which can be ponderous at times on such a rich subject), then check out…

…They sell an audio series given by Christopher West (CD or tape) that is awesome. He puts most of the Popes teaching in digestable terms and it’s something you can listen to many times and get something out of each time. They don’t make any profit on the tapes/CDs but suggest a ‘donation’ to help them cover costs of producing them.
another option might be the cd put out by catholicity. It is Christopher West’s Theology of the body. I think reading sometimes can be overwhelming especially when we have to do it in segments. The CD worked better for me.

another option might be the cd put out by catholicity.
I second that. They have free Catholic CDs and Tapes at

Their Christopher West tape is called Marriage and the Eucharist
I have been involved in a group that has studied this collection of Wednesday audiences for coming up on two years now, and I have learned something interesting, I think.

The Pope’s Theology of the Body is really a tranformative set of talks. It is not easily broken down into “apologetic” segments. The ideas and contemplative issues bring us to delve deep into what we see marriage and faith and the role of Christ in our every day lives. I can communicate some of the essence, or focus that is in the Theology of the Body; but the real heart of the study is a transformation in the way we actually see the other sex…a real re-orientation of attitude and vision that brings clarity and insight into understanding our spouses, and our Lord.

It is not easily incapuslated like some other apologetic materials, so don’t feel too daunted by the volume of “stuff”. It is a subject best worked upon in small steps, and with a steady diet. The reward is quite rich, if you subject yourself to the disciple of the study…
If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of reading (which can be ponderous at times on such a rich subject), then check out…

…They sell an audio series given by Christopher West (CD or tape) that is awesome. He puts most of the Popes teaching in digestable terms and it’s something you can listen to many times and get something out of each time. They don’t make any profit on the tapes/CDs but suggest a ‘donation’ to help them cover costs of producing them.
ORDER THESE! You’ll be glad you did!

We should get a study going here on TOTB.
Christopher West teaches an online course called ‘Living The Theology of the Body’ through, Heart, Mind and Strength University. You’ll have to click on the course for a desciption. It is javascript, so I don’t know how to bring you to the exact right place.

Maybe this will be helpful.
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