I would say that many Catholics who dislike The “Theology of the Body” fall into a couple distinct groups. These groups are not mutually exclusive, a person can be a member of one or all of these groups.
- They dislike it because they strongly dislike the author, Pope John Paul II.
- They dislike it because they do not really know and/or care what it says.
- They dislike it because they feel more comfortable with legalism.
- They dislike it because they (mistakenly) think it gives license to sexual immorality.
- They dislike it because the fail to realize it is a way of looking at the world, not new doctrine.
- They dislike it because they (mistakenly) think they are required to believe it, rather than use it a way of looking at the world, the Law of God, ourselves and our desire to do His will and follow His commandments.
Of course these are just my own opinions. I am sure those who dislike the teaching will try to “teach” me a few things now.