Theology of the Marital Act: Conte vs. West

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West’s position is much more nuanced than that. He doesn’t actually give any sort of approval for anal sex, but simply points out that the Church doesn’t condemn it, so long as the man climaxes in the appropriate place.
Can I just say, “EWW!” It doesn’t matter what the Church says; no doctor would condone that (without a condom of course) on hygienic grounds alone.
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I completely agree. But again, West doesn’t necessarily condone the act. He simply points out that the Church hasn’t taken a firm stance on the morality/immorality of the act.
I’ve listened to a sermon by Fr. Chad Ripperger, FSSP. He seems to make more sense than Conte, but is more in line with Fr. Hugh Barbour (Catholic Answers) and not as liberal as Christopher West.

However, given that Grisez, West, and Ford & Kelly all have Imprimaturs and Nihil Obstats in their works, I will not discount what they say, either. I will trust the Church’s review and approval of their works by faith.

God bless y’all. Please pray for me as I discern my vocation. :pray:t2:
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