The cmb dipole and existence of a center for expansion of the universe
Yukio Tomozawa
Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics
Randall Laboratory of Physics, University of Michigan and
Ann Arbor, MI. 48109-1040, USA
(Dated: February 2, 2008)
In the Friedman universe, one possible interpretation of the coordinates is that the whole
space is on the surface of an expanding balloon and has no center. (A center exists outside
the universe in a way.) This accommodates the Hubble law naturally. There are no velocities
associated with points of the universe, but the relative distance and relative velocity of any
two points increase with the expansion of the balloon. I will show that in such a universe,
there is no cosmic microwave backgroud (cmb) dipole even in the presence of a peculiar
velocity. In other words, the observation of a cmb dipole excludes such an interpretation of
the coordinates for the Friedman universe…
…All three proofs give the same result. Another way to look at this theorem is that the
equivalent speed of a cmb emitter is close to that of light and speed of light is identical
for moving frames. We have reached the important conclusion that in a cosmology without
center there is no cmb dipole. As a corollary, we state a theorem.
Theorem 2 The observation of the cmb dipole excludes the possibility of a cosmology without
center. Thus, there has to be a center for the expansion of the universe, since a cmb
dipole has been observed for the solar system[1].
Where could that center be?
Yukio Tomozawa
Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics
Randall Laboratory of Physics, University of Michigan and
Ann Arbor, MI. 48109-1040, USA
(Dated: February 2, 2008)
In the Friedman universe, one possible interpretation of the coordinates is that the whole
space is on the surface of an expanding balloon and has no center. (A center exists outside
the universe in a way.) This accommodates the Hubble law naturally. There are no velocities
associated with points of the universe, but the relative distance and relative velocity of any
two points increase with the expansion of the balloon. I will show that in such a universe,
there is no cosmic microwave backgroud (cmb) dipole even in the presence of a peculiar
velocity. In other words, the observation of a cmb dipole excludes such an interpretation of
the coordinates for the Friedman universe…
…All three proofs give the same result. Another way to look at this theorem is that the
equivalent speed of a cmb emitter is close to that of light and speed of light is identical
for moving frames. We have reached the important conclusion that in a cosmology without
center there is no cmb dipole. As a corollary, we state a theorem.
Theorem 2 The observation of the cmb dipole excludes the possibility of a cosmology without
center. Thus, there has to be a center for the expansion of the universe, since a cmb
dipole has been observed for the solar system[1].
Where could that center be?