Let’s say I wanted to bring a “worldly” male friend to your average mass. What does he see?
Everyone is chatting and wearing normal clothes.
We have a band playing guitar and singing trite feel-good songs.
Milquetoast sermons.
Everybody hold hands!
More chatting and general disruption.
Alright! See you next week! More chatting, more disorder, more lack of reverence.
It’s going to be exactly what he expected and exactly why he doesn’t go in the first place. It looks, sounds, and appears to be a social club for little babies and old women. Now sure, I’ve been educated in the faith, so I know that there is a miracle occurring and that we actually are in the physical presence of the Living God. But for someone without formation, who is just walking in off the street? Someone who is a typical modern young male and gets in fights, fornicates, drinks, watches hardcore porn, sees images of violence and death constantly on TV and in movies, listens to hard-metal or rap… it’s not going to be impressive at all.
That’s why young men are leaving the Church.
Everyone is chatting and wearing normal clothes.
We have a band playing guitar and singing trite feel-good songs.
Milquetoast sermons.
Everybody hold hands!
More chatting and general disruption.
Alright! See you next week! More chatting, more disorder, more lack of reverence.
It’s going to be exactly what he expected and exactly why he doesn’t go in the first place. It looks, sounds, and appears to be a social club for little babies and old women. Now sure, I’ve been educated in the faith, so I know that there is a miracle occurring and that we actually are in the physical presence of the Living God. But for someone without formation, who is just walking in off the street? Someone who is a typical modern young male and gets in fights, fornicates, drinks, watches hardcore porn, sees images of violence and death constantly on TV and in movies, listens to hard-metal or rap… it’s not going to be impressive at all.
That’s why young men are leaving the Church.