Although a ‘cradle Catholic’, I went totally off the rails as a teenager, was promiscuous, got drunk and did loads of drugs. I stole, cheated, lied. I haven’t murdered anyone, but done pretty much most else.
I stopped attending Mass for a couple of years, but mostly I have been a lukewarm in-name-only Catholic living a very bad life. I think that my lukewarmness has led to my children abandoning their faith.
About a year ago, I started to really have a conversion. I have learnt a lot, my faith is so much more important to me, although difficult to embrace as fully as I would like due to difficulties with very atheist husband. So, I am now constantly torturing myself regarding salvation, God’s mercy, salvation, everything.
I know all the theory, but I can’t seem to accept it, which feels like a sin in itself and I’m in a ridiculous vicious-circle. I have lived such a bad life. And I have so many bad habits. For years I have sworn and used God’s name in vain - I make huge efforts not to, but it still occasionally (too frequently) slips out. I am judgmental, impatient, selfish… I worry there are many sins I haven’t confessed. Maybe I have sinned too much or have unconfessed sins that are blocking God. I tried to talk to my priest. I just cried like a baby, and he told me that Jesus came for sinners . I know all that, but I can’t seem to accept it.
I love God so much, I want to love Him. I am so sorry for my decades of abusing Him. This whole talk of a personal relationship, I just don’t get it. I feel like I’m on the outside banging helplessly a one-way sound-proofed window., and it’s futile. How do I fix this? Did any of this make sense even?
I stopped attending Mass for a couple of years, but mostly I have been a lukewarm in-name-only Catholic living a very bad life. I think that my lukewarmness has led to my children abandoning their faith.
About a year ago, I started to really have a conversion. I have learnt a lot, my faith is so much more important to me, although difficult to embrace as fully as I would like due to difficulties with very atheist husband. So, I am now constantly torturing myself regarding salvation, God’s mercy, salvation, everything.
I know all the theory, but I can’t seem to accept it, which feels like a sin in itself and I’m in a ridiculous vicious-circle. I have lived such a bad life. And I have so many bad habits. For years I have sworn and used God’s name in vain - I make huge efforts not to, but it still occasionally (too frequently) slips out. I am judgmental, impatient, selfish… I worry there are many sins I haven’t confessed. Maybe I have sinned too much or have unconfessed sins that are blocking God. I tried to talk to my priest. I just cried like a baby, and he told me that Jesus came for sinners . I know all that, but I can’t seem to accept it.
I love God so much, I want to love Him. I am so sorry for my decades of abusing Him. This whole talk of a personal relationship, I just don’t get it. I feel like I’m on the outside banging helplessly a one-way sound-proofed window., and it’s futile. How do I fix this? Did any of this make sense even?