I find it odd that people always discuss the quality of stuff that wal-mart sells or the fact that their goods are made in China. Other than their line of clothes, and maybe one or two other lines made especially for them, and their linens shower curtain type stuff, the things they sell are the same goods available at a variety of stores. They sells school supplies, cookware, cosmetics, and a whole range of other brand name goods that can be bought at many stores, only at higher prices. You’re right - many people do not think abotu the consequences of purchasing goods at Walmart, except the consequence that they will have more money to spend on their families. We all have to make choices about how to spend our money. For the majority of Americans it would seem they would rather save money than spend more on something just because they don’t like that Wal-mart manufactures some of it’s brand name goods in China (like the rest of the country) or doesn’t supply their employees with top of the line health insurance. Sometimes we need to put our families and our financial needs first.