There may have been massive voter fraud in Virginia

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November 16, 2020

There may have been massive voter fraud in Virginia​

By Andrea Widburg

. . . We already got a tip-off last week (although we didn’t realize it) that Virginia was probably yet another state in which Biden got his electoral college votes through fraud. On November 11, American Thinker published a post entitled, “Data analysis shows weird mail-in ballot anomalies in contested states.”

The analysis looked at the final ratio of Democrat to Republican presidential votes in all 50 states. The norm for 40 of those 50 states was that, when counting mail-in ballots, they reflect the same ultimate ratio for the election as a whole. Thus, if a Democrat ends by winning 2 to 1, the mail-in ballots will also reflect this ratio as they arrive and get counted. That’s because they’ve been shuffled in the postal system so they don’t arrive as clumps of ballots from red or blue districts. This ratio of red versus blue incoming ballots shows up as a constant straight line on a chart.

However, in ten states, nine of which Trump contests, the chart showed a huge and bizarre bounce right around 4 A.M. That was after the fraud states abruptly stopped counting, only to resume a few hours later — and that was when the tide turned so dramatically in Biden’s direction that he completely wiped out Trump’s advantage. . . .

. . . being yet another Democrat-run state in which massive election fraud took place, shifting a true Trump victory to a fake Biden victory. Joe Hoft looked at the New York Times’ election feed showing Virginia’s voting patterns and discovered some peculiar anomalies . . .

There’s more — including some interesting charts — but it all adds up to another Biden victory that defies common sense, statistics, mathematics, and the will of the people.

(Bold mine)

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The abrupt and simultaneous halt in counting looked as if it was coordinated. Five states announced they would stop counting within minutes of each other.
Horrors! Is this the smoking gun?

Or is this another wild goose chase?
Let me tell you all little about Virginia politics.

Fairfax County, with a 1.1 million population, and the surrounding counties/independent cities, vote blue. Every election cycle, the the red rural counties count their ballots and start reporting them. It looks like a red victory.

Then, Fairfax County, which, for some reason (population), starts reporting later than the others, and the red victory evaporates. It’s just the way it is.

This “voter fraud everywhere” based on a skewed and crazy malpractice of data analysis is just setting up Trump voters to not believe that Joe Biden won. It’s not meant to overturn the election. It’s meant to delegitimize the President.

The exact thing that Republicans blamed everyone for trying to do to Trump the last four years.
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Not to mention that you can’t compare mail in ballots this year to the norms of previous years. This was not a normal election due to Covid and the mail in ballots reflect that, for perfectly explainable reasons that have been rehashed here over and over again.

People need to stop falling for this nonsense.
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It’s not meant to overturn the election. It’s meant to delegitimize the President.
Like the birther conspiracy for Obama, or the allegations of fraud before the 2016 election, and the allegations of fraud now.
Some countries as said times before do not even allow mail-in votes since it is so susceptible to fraud.

France only allows it for the disabled and special cases like that.

People need to ignore the nonsense that it is not susceptible to fraud.

And no way, do I buy over and over again, boxes of ballots come in at 4 AM in the morning and change things. As has happened in some previous races. A little of this, maybe, a lot no.
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This “voter fraud everywhere” based on a skewed and crazy malpractice of data analysis is just setting up Trump voters to not believe that Joe Biden won. It’s not meant to overturn the election. It’s meant to delegitimize the President.
How can you say that PaulinVA when at least in some cases you can see on TV votes being taken away from Trump and added to Buden simultaneously?
How can you say that PaulinVA when at least in some cases you can see on TV votes being taken away from Trump and added to Buden simultaneously?
There are numerous explanations other than a fraudulent conspiracy among election officials. It could actually be officials amending the counts legitimately.

When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras.
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PaulinVA . . .
fraudulent conspiracy among election officials
But I am not purporting there was a “fraudulent conspiracy among election officials”.

I am saying there is enough evidence of serious issues where this needs to be investigated. And there IS.

Why did you change the premise of my argument PaulinVA?
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But I am not purporting there was a “fraudulent conspiracy among election officials” .
What ARE you alleging? I’m having a hard time figuring it out. What are you saying caused votes to switch from Trump to Biden if not people doing it?

Have the machines taken. over?
I am saying there is enough evidence of serious issues where this needs to be investigated. And there IS.
You see? If there is an investigation showing no real voting errors, some here won’t believe it anyway.

We have federal agencies stating that there are no serious voting errors which would cause a different winner in any state. Do the conservatives accept this? Not on your life. That’s how Krebs got fired.
Nepperhan . . .
If there is an investigation showing no real voting errors, some here won’t believe it anyway.
So what.

It needs to be done not because of what people will or won’t believe.

It needs to be done because there is enough shenanigans to show it needs to be done.
I thought it was that he wanted to investigate the outcome based on some reports of potential fraud. Why would an American on either side be against making sure everything was reported correctly? I thought there was reports of a lot of evidence of fraud already. Maybe not in big enough numbers to sway the vote but surely it should be ok to check or you think no one should check for fraud because it is rude?
Sorry i’m trying to understand

You changed my premise from not knowing about . . .
What are you saying caused votes to switch from Trump to Biden if not people doing it?
To . .
I don’t know yet that anything was wrong
I can argue with an argument.
But I cannot argue against a fallacy.

You are putting forth the fallacy of equivocation.

Good day.
I can argue with an argument.
But I cannot argue against a fallacy.
Cathoholic - the way you quote other posts makes it really hard to understand you sometimes.

I take it that your complaint is that I took your clear statement that you don’t know how votes switched from Trump to Biden to mean. … I 'm not sure, something else.

So, if I was unfair please tell me, what is your basis for believing there was voter fraud in Virginia?
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