There was no begining

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Through philosophy and common sense we know that God exists, but they do not tell us all the things about God and what he has done and our relationship to him. These things require Divine Revelation.

So reason is wonderful, but it doen’t tell us everything.

How about wisdom and intuition when logic fails.
Bahman’s post 40 shows how gratuitous statements slipped in among other statements are used to confuse people:
Here you go:
  1. God is unchangeable meaning that he is complete
  2. God is eternal meaning that he has no beginning and no end
  3. The thought of creation is a part of Gods thought
  4. Creation can be defined as a being caused by God and has a beginning
  5. From (1), (2) and (3) we can however deduce that thought of creation also doesn’t have any beginning hence the creation
  6. (4) and (5) contradict with each other hence either (4) is wrong, or (1) or (2)
Let’s look at 5
5) From (1), (2) and (3) we can however deduce that thought of creation also doesn’t have any beginning hence the creation

God who is unchanging and omniscient always knew he would create the universe someday but chose the time to do it.

You see how easy that was, friends? 😃
God who is unchanging and omniscient always knew he would create the universe someday but chose the time to do it.
That is total nonsense, since God is not changeable and can not feel time passage.
Nothing substitutes for Divine Revelation.
And how about our sense of judgment toward what is truth? How possibly you could claim that you are in the right way if you forfeit that you have no sense of judgment toward the truth? Do you mean that Gods creation is blind to his truth hence the only way to approach the God is the revelation? Doesn’t that sound that Gods creation is imperfect?
Originally Posted by empther View Post
God who is unchanging and omniscient always knew he would create the universe someday but chose the time to do it.
That is total nonsense, since God is not changeable and can not feel time passage.

This reminds me of last night’s episode of
, with host physicist Tyson.
It was incredible. The whole hour was about global warming due to carbon dioxide.
**There’s no such thing! :bigyikes: **

A pound of carbon dioxide and a pound of water vapor absorb and emit the same amount of heat.
But the atmosphere has an average of two hundred times as much water vapor as carbon dioxide.
Got that?
So there is no global warming due to carbon dioxide.

Oh. Let’s not forget the for all practical purpose infinite amount of water in the oceans.
So there is no global warming due to carbon dioxide. 😃

How can so many people get it wrong? It’s like the flat earth theory of some centuries ago.

Some people just refuse to see the truth.**** **🤷
Here you go:
  1. The thought of creation is a part of Gods thought
  2. Creation can be defined as a being caused by God and has a beginning
  3. From (1), (2) and (3) we can however deduce that thought of creation also doesn’t have any beginning hence the creation
  4. (4) and (5) contradict with each other hence either (4) is wrong, or (1) or (2)
As William Craig puts it,

*To say that time and the universe had beginning doesn’t imply that “God suddenly decided to begin being active and start creating.” His decision to create is a timeless decision, not preceded by any period of indecision (indeed, any period of time at all!)…it was up to Him whether to create or refrain from creation,…
He could not have created any sooner than He did, since there is no “sooner.”
And how about our sense of judgment toward what is truth? How possibly you could claim that you are in the right way if you forfeit that you have no sense of judgment toward the truth? Do you mean that Gods creation is blind to his truth hence the only way to approach the God is the revelation? Doesn’t that sound that Gods creation is imperfect?
Brother, you are impossible. Why are you here, you won’t accept anything but your own irrational opinions. No one here cares about your personal opinions.

Brother, you are impossible. Why are you here, you won’t accept anything but your own irrational opinions. No one here cares about your personal opinions.

Brother, you are impossible. Why you don’t try to answer my questions instead?
Originally Posted by Linusthe2nd View Post
Brother, you are impossible. Why are you here, you won’t accept anything but your own irrational opinions. No one here cares about your personal opinions.
The game he’s playing is easy to play.
There’s no trick to throwing words together that contradict the truth.
There’s no trick to mentioning some ideas while ignoring points already made to make the truth sound false and the false sound true.
Lawyers do it. Politicians do it. Watching the news is like going to college to learn how to play this game.

Of course there is no end to this. The game can be played for ever.
The game he’s playing is easy to play.
There’s no trick to throwing words together that contradict the truth.
There’s no trick to mentioning some ideas while ignoring points already made to make the truth sound false and the false sound true.
Lawyers do it. Politicians do it. Watching the news is like going to college to learn how to play this game.

Of course there is no end to this. The game can be played for ever.
The purpose of writing should be to tell the truth.
to help the reader leave behind his faults and reach a new ideal.
Knowing leads to believing and we believe what we know.

Talk about the topic, not each other.

Post charitably or not at all.

Failure to do so will result in thread closure and infraction.
This reminds me of last night’s episode of , with host physicist Tyson.
It was incredible. The whole hour was about global warming due to carbon dioxide.
**There’s no such thing! :bigyikes: **

A pound of carbon dioxide and a pound of water vapor absorb and emit the same amount of heat.
But the atmosphere has an average of two hundred times as much water vapor as carbon dioxide.
Got that?
So there is no global warming due to carbon dioxide.

Oh. Let’s not forget the for all practical purpose infinite amount of water in the oceans.
So there is no global warming due to carbon dioxide. 😃

How can so many people get it wrong? It’s like the flat earth theory of some centuries ago.

Some people just refuse to see the truth.**** **🤷
Yes, water vapor is the greatest greenhouse gas. However it is a “feedback”; it responds to the warming that is caused by greenhouse gas forcings, such as CO2, CH4, etc.

This is because H2O molecules only have a residency in the atmosphere of a few days, whereas CO2 can be up there for over 100 yrs, and a small portion of it for up to 100,000 yrs. CH4 has a residency of about 10 years, then degrades to CO2 etc.


RE the beginning of the universe, I am old enough (before the big bang became well accepted) that I learn that there was just a cyclical thing between hydrogen molecules coming together thru universal gravitation to eventually form stars, the stars eventually burning out or going supernova into particles, etc. (This BTW sort of goes along with the Hindu idea of the cyclical nature of the universe.) However, the big bang is now well accepted, and that sort of goes along with the Judeo-Christian idea of a beginning. This was more a matter of empirical evidence leading the way, not logic.

Another interesting thing I just read about – the earth is 60 million yrs older than previously belived – see

There is no conflict between science and Christianity, and in fact science arose out of Christianity.

I await Pope Francis’s encyclical on the environment and hope he puts to rest the arguments against climate change. And this time people will not be able to say, oh he isn’t a scientist and he doesn’t know what he’s talking about – the way they spoke of JPII and BXVI when they told us to mitigate climate change.
Yes, water vapor is the greatest greenhouse gas. However it is a “feedback”; it responds to the warming that is caused by greenhouse gas forcings, such as CO2, CH4, etc.
This is because H2O molecules only have a residency in the atmosphere of a few days, whereas CO2 can be up there for over 100 yrs, and a small portion of it for up to 100,000 yrs. CH4 has a residency of about 10 years, then degrades to CO2 etc.
I read that article you linked to. The author said CO2 is reabsorbed into water solution and seashells:
When you release a slug of new CO2 into the atmosphere, dissolution in the ocean gets rid of about three quarters of it, more or less, depending on how much is released. The rest has to await neutralization by reaction with CaCO3 or igneous rocks on land and in the ocean [2-6].
:bigyikes: Apparently he never heard of vegetation and photosythesis? 😃

I was also disgusted that he mentioned that some carbon dioxide is still in the atmosphere in 100,000 years but he didn’t say how much. No doubt, out of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules in a gram of carbon dioxide there’ll still be 24 or 25 left in a 100,000 years, but that’s nothing to worry about. :rotfl:

A couple of years ago, lots of websites were talking about carbon dioxide absorbing 22 times as much heat as the same weight of water vapor. Wow! That sounds terrible, doesn’t it! 😦 I knew this was impossible and looked through these websites until I found one that referred back to wikipedia. I checked out wikipedia and they gave references to two scientific papers about carbon dioxide absorbing 22 times as much heat. Unfortunately, wikipedia no longer has those references today. The wikipedia articles are maintained by volunteers who can change things.

Anyway, two years ago the references were there and I checked them out, looking up the actual scientific articles themselves. Each scientific article was about how long equal weights of water and carbon dioxide will stay in the atmosphere and how much heat they’ll absorb in that time. I forget exact numbers, but roughly it was like this. Something like 98% of carbon dioxide is reabsorbed and removed from the atmosphere in one hundred years, while the same percent of water vapor is removed in just a few years. This is of the original one pound of water or carbon dioxide, like you had tagged each molecule like you tag wildlife to watch their movements. Naturally, most of either stuff is recycled in a few years while by chance there are always a few of the original molecules still floating around. This is about as useless as any information I can imagine, but you know how it is in academia: “publish or perish”.

Anyways, if we increased atmospheric carbon dioxide ten times tomorrow morning, in a hundred years the level will be back down to what it was yesterday.

over a hundred years,
thousands and thousands of times as much “new” water vapor passes through the atmosphere as “new” carbon dioxide,
and at any moment in time there’s two hundred times as much water in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, not to forget the “infinite” water in the oceans. :eek:
the temperature will drop thirty degrees tonight as heat absorbed in the daytime radiates back out to space at night. 👍 👍
…I was also disgusted that he mentioned that some carbon dioxide is still in the atmosphere in 100,000 years but he didn’t say how much…
Haven’t read the article in a while, but I think he said “a small portion.”

Another way to look at it is past global warming events, such as the end-Permian extinction 251 mya, when 95% of life on earth died out from the great warming – the path we are on right now, except some1000 times faster than then.

That warming lasted about 100,000 to 200,000 years … in part due to the longevity of CO2 in the atmosphere.

As for me and my house, we don’t want to bring that upon the world. We don’t want to be part of the great warming and great killing. So we’ve been reducing our GHG emissions way down over the past 25 years, and are some 60%+ below our 1990 levels, all using measures that either save money or don’t cost, or don’t cost much.
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