As a CCD teacher and a parent, after reading this thread, I am for the first time glad we don’t have a Catholic school at our parish. It is hard enough as a CCD teacher to set up for a class without having to haul all of the supplies in every week. I can’t imagine that the school teacher can’t set aside a space for a bin. Or having every lost item blamed on my students. Yes, some thing might have been taken, but that doesn’t mean that every time something is missing or moved it was the CCD students. Well, when school ends at 3 pm, and the next morning it is missing, and the only people in the classroom were RE people…coincidence…once, maybe, but when it happens repeatedly, it is not. (and it only seems to happen on RE nights…hmmmmm.)
I can’t even think how to address students that leave expensive instruments in a classroom over the weekend. It was not over the weekend. It was from Wednesday to Thursday. Wednesdays the whole band practices. Thursday this student had her individual lesson. We have CCD in the classrooms on Wednesday evenings. They are lucky it was just moved, rather than taken. And it didn’t have to be the CCD students doing it. It could be anyone in the building, even, gasp, a teacher that didn’t want it broken.Placing instruments in the rooms is quite common. The individual classrooms, as well as the whole school building, are all locked. Under NORMAL circumstances, it is quite secure. We even have security cameras running tape in the hallways! /quote]