
In Canada, I read a few of the Court decisions. In one case, a bumper sticker maker said *nothing at all. *Instead, he printed and sold bumper stickers *which merely gave the chapter and verse of the Bible verses condemning homosexual acts, next to a picture of two stick men holding hands, with the diagonal line inside a circle centered over their hands. *He paid a fine of a few thousand dollars.I would also want to know what those Christians were “merely reading.” If someone was reading a passage about stoning people with the intent or likely outcome that they would be inciting violence against a third party, that goes beyond freedom of speech. You can’t go around saying, “Someone needs to step up and stone you right now!” even if you use Bible quotes to say it.
In another case, a Canadian printer refused to contract with a gay rights organization, to print circulars advertizing some kind of public event for gays, on the grounds that this was against his faith.
He was ordered to do the work requested, for a sum set by the court.
In America, this is slavery! No joke! In other words, the courts in Canada technically enslaved a Christian to gays!
I have heard that there are about two dozen Canadian cases altogether.
In the Pennsylvania case, I saw a videotape. Although the Christians brought a bullhorn with them, you only see it under the arm of the Christian carrying it. You see the 11 member Christian group, some of them carrying Bibles, quietly talking, only very respectfully, to a few of the 30,000 homosexuals attending the homosexual celebration. Then you see a group of about ten homosexual security people, identified by their pink shirts, forming a wall in front of the Christians, barring them from the sidewalk. Then you see a group of the pink-shirted homosexual security people slowly surrounding the Christians with a wall of 4 x 8 pink insulation boards, isolating them from the rest of the crowd.
Newspapers reported that 4 homosexual Assistant US Attorney’s attending the celebration then told police that Pennsylvania law had been changed to include homosexuals in the definition of suspect classifications protected against “Ethnic Intimidation,” and suggested that the 11 Christians be arrested and jailed for “Ethnic Intimidation.”
They were. Charges were apparently dropped against 7 of them, because the judge at the preliminary hearing could not see their mouths opening on the videotape. 4 are still faced with a prosecution risking 47 years incarceration, each.
You say, "If someone was reading a passage about stoning people with the intent or likely outcome that they would be inciting violence against a third party, that goes beyond freedom of speech. You can’t go around saying, “Someone needs to step up and stone you right now!” even if you use Bible quotes to say it."
The chance that the 11 Christians would incite 30,000 homosexuals to engage in violence against each other was zero. Zero. Suggestions that any of the 30,000 homosexuals attending the festival, every single one of them aware of their context – 30,000 homosexuals versus 11 Christians – were intimidated, is nonsense.
In my opinion, that videotape is evidence of crimes committed by the pink-shirted homosexual security guards. Blocking and then surrounding someone with a wall of boards really does violate 18 P.C.S. Sec. 2903, a sub-category of kidnapping called “False Imprisonment.”
I’m not sure that I like the Christian group there to do the preaching, but to suggest that they engaged in any kind of intimidating behavior that day, or did anything uncivil or immoral, is silly.
In my opinion, based on what I have seen, Pennsylvania is prosecuting 4 Christians for gently reading the Bible publicly.
In my opinion, even a public reading of the verse sentencing homosexuals to stoning is First Amendment speech.
We’re all grown-ups. We all know, in advance, what Scripture says. The Leviticus verses are as famous as the
Adam and Eve story and flood story. And we all know – even the most dense, non-psychotic, non-retarded adults know – that one reading the verse is not advocating that homosexuals be killed.
And 30,000 homosexuals surrounding 11 Christians really know that.