Things that DON'T taste good the second day

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First off, I LIKE an oliveburger from the Rally’s/Checkers fast food restaurant. But, I bought two, ate one. Next day, the second one was just not the same experience as the fresh original. This story must be told.
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Sour grapes…the taste is worse if continued to be consumed after they are first harvested.
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French fires, crispy and delicious when fresh, become soft and gross if for some reason they are kept overnight. Same with tortilla chips from a Mexican restaurant. It’s all about texture and mouth appeal. This is not to say that I won’t still eat them the next day 😁.
Amen to the fries. I have to eat fries at light speed because there’s no way I’ll ingest them once they’ve gone cold, and I’ve found no good options for reheating them. :-1:t3:

Same problem with homemade potato chips. I have no idea how manufacturers keep their chips crisp…and come to think of it I probably don’t want to know. ☢️☣️👩‍🔬
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My wife has a way to reheat French fries so they taste somewhat ok. It’s a combination process of baking and frying them. I laugh when she does it because it would be faster and cheaper to just go buy more.
Most types of dinner rolls.
A salad with dressing.
Anything that you put in the fridge only to see the white fat solidify on top. You can heat it up, but you can’t unsee it.
Hard-shell tacos 🌮 😖
Scrambled eggs
Mayonnaise-based ______ salad sandwiches (tuna, egg, etc.)
Hey, how about the obvious: 90% of the stuff that don’t taste good the first day.

(There are exceptions of a few items that taste better the second day).
Yes, I think some soups and hot dishes taste better the second day.
Risotto? Really? 🤔 Perhaps.

Mushrooms never taste the same the next day to me.

Leftover pancakes from Denny’s might as well not even be brought home. :roll_eyes:
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Sometimes they come with something else and I just can’t eat all of them! 😉
In my opinion, mashed potatoes can be reheated satisfactorily, but I have had little success reviving cold french fries.
I thought that would go without saying 😁
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