Think I am losing my faith

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I think I am losing my faith, and where I live I feel I am not alone. There is just no wittnessing of, or understanding of what Catholicism is in the area which I live. The parishes here are either declining or stagnating or both, and many former Catholics are joining more zealous and energetic Protestant churches and sects.

Though a good intelectual case can be made for Catholicism, those ideas don’t seem to be making their way on to the streets and the masses. At least not where I live.

So why keep my faith if there is no support for it in my community? I still have a life I have to live, and to put it bluntly I am tired a feeling like an alien hitched to a set of strange religious beliefs. And yes, it has affected my social life, and not in positive ways I must add.

So I ask God or Jesus, to either prove to the world that Catholicism is true, or I am out.
I think I am losing my faith, and where I live I feel I am not alone. There is just no wittnessing of, or understanding of what Catholicism is in the area which I live. The parishes here are either declining or stagnating or both, and many former Catholics are joining more zealous and energetic Protestant churches and sects.

Though a good intelectual case can be made for Catholicism, those ideas don’t seem to be making their way on to the streets and the masses. At least not where I live.

So why keep my faith if there is no support for it in my community? I still have a life I have to live, and to put it bluntly I am tired a feeling like an alien hitched to a set of strange religious beliefs. And yes, it has affected my social life, and not in positive ways I must add.

So I ask God or Jesus, to either prove to the world that Catholicism is true, or I am out.
I’m really sorry to hear about this. But you have Christ in the Eucharist. He is ALWAYS there for you. Can you spend some time each week making a holy hour with him and ask him what to do?

It certainly isn’t fun to feel like an alien. But I don’t think I’d ever want to leave Jesus in the Eucharist. I believe the Catholic Church holds the full truth.

I’m sorry to hear there is such a lack of enthusiasm and witnessing in your area there. It can make things more difficult. That is for sure.

You may have to find that enthusiasm in scripture and communion for a while until things look up
where exactly do you live. I find it hard to believe that you can’t find at least a few other Catholics in the area. Or if it is that bad have you ever considered moving? What you are looking for is an excuse to leave the faith which you certainly do not have.
So why keep my faith if there is no support for it in my community? I still have a life I have to live, and to put it bluntly I am tired a feeling like an alien hitched to a set of strange religious beliefs. And yes, it has affected my social life, and not in positive ways I must add.

So I ask God or Jesus, to either prove to the world that Catholicism is true, or I am out.
The Truth is out there if you care to look into it.

Christ didn’t promise us a good social life, He promised us salvation if we would take up our cross and follow Him. He didn’t have any support in His community either.

I am sorry that you have weak Catholic parishes in your area. But abandoning the Truth for more friends and better music is as bad a decision as I can imagine someone making.

You should try to be the change you desire to see in your parish.
where exactly do you live. I find it hard to believe that you can’t find at least a few other Catholics in the area. Or if it is that bad have you ever considered moving? What you are looking for is an excuse to leave the faith which you certainly do not have.
Cultural Catholics who can be swayed by a Chick tract, many of those here. But Catholics who stick with Rome and the Magisterium and are serious about it, few and far between.

Since the Baltimore Catechism was dropped over 30 years ago, the Catholic faith and the understanding of it has gone down the toilet.
The Truth is out there if you care to look into it.

Christ didn’t promise us a good social life, He promised us salvation if we would take up our cross and follow Him. He didn’t have any support in His community either.

I am sorry that you have weak Catholic parishes in your area. But abandoning the Truth for more friends and better music is as bad a decision as I can imagine someone making.

You should try to be the change you desire to see in your parish.
All easy to say when your not alone, and have an orthodox parish and practicing family.

But I have no intention of running off to the types of churches Luther started in the 16th century, because I know the history. But many other Catholics who are history ignorant are doing just that.
Hey Catholic29,
How ya doin’? Are you still out there? Have you found anything to help you with your despair?

Can I help? Wanna talk about it?

There have been no posts on your thread for a while, so I’ll await your reply.

Would love to chat.
All easy to say when your not alone, and have an orthodox parish and practicing family.
It is still good advice. I know people personally who have “been the change” in their parish with success. It took time, and a lot of energy, but it happened. The other option is to find a new parish.
Hey Catholic29,
How ya doin’? Are you still out there? Have you found anything to help you with your despair?

Can I help? Wanna talk about it?

There have been no posts on your thread for a while, so I’ll await your reply.

Would love to chat.
Hi Doreen, all of this makes me rather upset, and thank you for your concern.

This thread as well as the red banner in the bottom of my post says it all for me.

In other words, if Jesus loves us, why won’t he take away our confusion?

And also make no mistake, I for one know that Bible Alone (Sola Scriptura) doesn’t work either, as anyone can come up with any number of interpretations of any given passage.
Hey Catholic29 -

I understand where you are coming from. Throughout my lifetime, I’ve seen many of my Catholic friends leave the church for “greener pastures” so-to-speak. They found fellowship, friendship, an easier doctrine to follow, good-times all around.

But what they are missing and what you, I, and others on this board have is The Truth!

I left a non-denominational Christian church that had all the wonderful feel-good stuff that many yearn for. I had many friends there, many people I loved deeply. I left because I wanted to come back to the Truth - and the only place I knew where it was was the Catholic Church - even before I knew all the theological evidence. It was a very lonely, hard decision. Even though I was going back to a parish I worshipped at many years ago, I didn’t know too many people there. But when I started attending Mass again, I saw in those “strangers” something I didn’t see in the other church - I saw a true worship of our Lord through Jesus Christ, I saw many deeply devoted, orthodox Christians doing their best to live out their Faith. Granted, at the time, I only saw this was during the Mass, but I figured, if they are faithful here in the Presence of Our Lord, then then must be faithful to Christ in other areas in their lives (I know, a grand presumption, but sometimes to me, actions speak louder than words.)

For now, let go of the theological, doctrinal, intellectual thinking, and think only of Our Lord’s goodness, let the Grace of God start opening your heart and flooding it with His mercy and love. Focus on Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and imagine how great a sacrifice He made for us. Let that all sink in until it’s embedded deep in your heart. Pray the Rosary and ask Our Blessed Mother to pray for help. Talk with our Saviour in front of the Blessed Sacrament. You need to recharge yourself spiritually, even if at times it seems tedious and unnecessary. Once you have, you’ll feel more equiped to follow that narrow path God has laid out for you toward His Heavenly Kingdom.

I hope this helps. God bless, and my prayers are with you!

Peace in Christ,
Hey C29,
I really should be going to bed, since I have a full day tomorrow caring for my children and leading two women’s study groups…one in the morning and one in the afternoon. But I had to reply before I head to my pillow.

I don’t believe that you are losing your faith at all. What you may be experiencing sounds to me as the stirring up of your heart. Who does that to us? Our Dear Heavenly Father, as he says, chooses us first…how, by calling us. He is calling you by allowing your heart to be totally discontented right now. He will not let you rest until you land safely in His arms, friend. So rejoice that you are not one who is continuing in life without a disturbance of the heart that will draw them to the God of the Universe. 🙂

And you’re right. Jumping into the Bible alone, is surely not a fruitful thing.

And since I really don’t know where you are at…I’ll leave you tonight with questions.
  1. Do you believe that God is real?
  2. Do you believe He sent His Son for you?
  3. Are you willing to allow God to enter into your life and change any area He wishes to? That means…every area, by the way.
    (Personal Note: this is the one that I got stuck at for a long time…and because of my refusal to really be willing to change, I made some serious, SERIOUS bad decisions. Did things I never thought I’d be capable of, Good Catholic girl that I was…but hey, I didn’t want people thinking I was weird because of my faith, and I didn’t want to let go of the fun I was having going out with friends, etc…) So take this question seriously. Are you willing and desiring and ready to turn away from any thing that is separating you from God?
I’ll quit there.

Talk to you tomorrow night. In the meantime, I’ll be praying for you. :yawn:
Hey C29,
I really should be going to bed, since I have a full day tomorrow caring for my children and leading two women’s study groups…one in the morning and one in the afternoon. But I had to reply before I head to my pillow.

I don’t believe that you are losing your faith at all. What you may be experiencing sounds to me as the stirring up of your heart. Who does that to us? Our Dear Heavenly Father, as he says, chooses us first…how, by calling us. He is calling you by allowing your heart to be totally discontented right now. He will not let you rest until you land safely in His arms, friend. So rejoice that you are not one who is continuing in life without a disturbance of the heart that will draw them to the God of the Universe. 🙂

And you’re right. Jumping into the Bible alone, is surely not a fruitful thing.

And since I really don’t know where you are at…I’ll leave you tonight with questions.
  1. Do you believe that God is real?
  2. Do you believe He sent His Son for you?
  3. Are you willing to allow God to enter into your life and change any area He wishes to? That means…every area, by the way.
    (Personal Note: this is the one that I got stuck at for a long time…and because of my refusal to really be willing to change, I made some serious, SERIOUS bad decisions. Did things I never thought I’d be capable of, Good Catholic girl that I was…but hey, I didn’t want people thinking I was weird because of my faith, and I didn’t want to let go of the fun I was having going out with friends, etc…) So take this question seriously. Are you willing and desiring and ready to turn away from any thing that is separating you from God?
I’ll quit there.

Talk to you tomorrow night. In the meantime, I’ll be praying for you. :yawn:
I for one am aware of the mind games that Benny Hinn and other pentecostal televangelist preachers use. Playing up the sin and bondage card is one they use for a hook, and believe me I have scrutinized my life to bring it in conformity with God’s commandments in Exodus 20, though at times I have failed I never gave up the fight. Make no mistake about it, Catholics commited to orthodoxy have a very strong sense of sin and morality. But with all the other issues that have cropped up (such as different scriptural interpretations amongst Christians, etc), I am growing weary of the struggle against temptation.

To a Pentecostal my question would be is how does one correctly discern between what is the Holy Spirit, and what is emotional hysteria?

With that I rest. :yawn:
I think I am losing my faith, and where I live I feel I am not alone. There is just no wittnessing of, or understanding of what Catholicism is in the area which I live. The parishes here are either declining or stagnating or both, and many former Catholics are joining more zealous and energetic Protestant churches and sects.
you are judging the universal Church by the Catholics you know in your area, and moreover by what you observe outwardly, not what is in their hearts, which you cannot know. you are ignoring the rest of the Church in the whole world and in history
So why keep my faith if there is no support for it in my community? I still have a life I have to live, and to put it bluntly I am tired a feeling like an alien hitched to a set of strange religious beliefs. And yes, it has affected my social life, and not in positive ways I must add.
these beliefs are alien to whom? to your feelings? to people in your social set? to your drinking buddies who criticize them?
So I ask God or Jesus, to either prove to the world that Catholicism is true, or I am out.
no, you are asking people around you, specifically Catholics with whom you come in contact, to prove that Catholicism is true. In other words, you are basing your faith on people, not on Jesus Christ, who already proved the truth through His sacrifice on the Cross for you.

I keep doing this quote thing, but I still can’t figure out how to break up the quote. will the techies please advise. by george she’s got it, I think she’s got it. the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain, you forgot to say put the /quote in brackets. learn something everyday, thanks OP for your patience in letting me practice with your post.
All you need to do is, where you’ve written /QUOTE in the above response, you needed to put that in brackets like this:
you are judging the universal Church by the Catholics you know in your area, and moreover by what you observe outwardly, not what is in their hearts, which you cannot know.
I am not only judging the Catholic Church buy what I see in my area, abysmal as it is, but by the fragmented state I observe in all of Christianity in throughout the entire world, but I agree with you that I cannot know or judge what is one’s heart.
you are ignoring the rest of the Church in the whole world and in history
East-West schism 1054 A.D., Protestant Reformation begun in 1517 A.D., are these dates correct? Prior to 1054 how do we know which Church Christ began, Catholic or Orthodox?
these beliefs are alien to whom?
Basically they are alien to everyone I personally know in my town, and in my family.
to your feelings?
I don’t allow my feelings to overcome my intelectual judgements.
to people in your social set?
These beliefs keep me from having a social set, at least one which I can share my faith with.
to your drinking buddies who criticize them?
Not sure if I should respond to this one, but I will say I am not part of any bar scene.
no, you are asking people around you, specifically Catholics with whom you come in contact, to prove that Catholicism is true.
Now your putting words in my mouth, I never ask Catholics around me to prove Catholicism is true, but to God or Jesus Christ, who is supposedly the author and creater of Catholicism to come down to earth and prove it is true.
in other words, you are basing your faith on people, not on Jesus Christ, who already proved the truth through His sacrifice on the Cross for you.
That only proves the basis for Christianity in general, not for the many denominations that have sprung up since the 16th century reformation begun by Martin Luther’s revolt as well as Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, which for some strange reason God refuses to heal. And that is my issue.
I keep doing this quote thing, but I still can’t figure out how to break up the quote. will the techies please advise.
You highlight the text you want quoted be left clicking on it, then you click on the little white box in the first row above your typing screen on your far right.
by george she’s got it, I think she’s got it. the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain, you forgot to say put the /quote in brackets. learn something everyday, thanks OP for your patience in letting me practice with your post.
Way to go, hey I’m not all bitter.👍
You KNOW that this is all coming from the devil dont you?

I’ll tell you what, PERSEVERANCE.

Stick to your guns.

Hold fast to what you know to be true.

Let God see you are committed to Him, the TRUTH.

And pray to Mary for help.

Everyone “thinks” they are losing their faith because they no longer get that sweetness when they pray, or cant feel God anymore.

Guess what! You should be REJOICING. God has deemed you worthy to step up to the NEXT level with Him. He wants committment from you when things look like they are all going wrong. Anyone can serve God when everything feels nice and it all fits into place.

Will you seize this chance God has given you?

He is waiting for you to do so, so he can shower you with more graces.

If only we could see the spiritual world and how much of a battle is going on, we would take up our sword and join the fight. DONT let the mundaness of life carry you into hell! Satan is brilliant at getting people to think that the Truth is too far away from “normal” life. Life IS THE TRUTH. Jesus is your life, from now on.

Youve hit a rough spot, we all have at some point.

This is Gods way of sorting the men from the boys, “My sheep know my voice”.

Run to Him, he will not let you down.

In Christ.

I for one am aware of the mind games that Benny Hinn and other pentecostal televangelist preachers use. Playing up the sin and bondage card is one they use for a hook, and believe me I have scrutinized my life to bring it in conformity with God’s commandments in Exodus 20, though at times I have failed I never gave up the fight. Make no mistake about it, Catholics commited to orthodoxy have a very strong sense of sin and morality. But with all the other issues that have cropped up (such as different scriptural interpretations amongst Christians, etc), I am growing weary of the struggle against temptation.

To a Pentecostal my question would be is how does one correctly discern between what is the Holy Spirit, and what is emotional hysteria?

With that I rest. :yawn:
Good Morning,
I surely am not in the business of playing “mind games” … I left the “game” a long time ago. This “emotional hysteria” you describe is exactly what I experienced just before I came to fully submit my life to Christ.

Now, don’t think “sides” here. This is a heart matter (protestants AND Catholics have human hearts, you agree?).

ALL of your wisest Catholic friends would agree with the fact that if you don’t commend your heart (and will/Spirit) to the Lord, you won’t experience the fullness of His Spirit. He just won’t crowd into a heart full of “stuff”. Ask MrS and PhilThy and Wisdom and Nicene and they’d agree that we have to get our hearts right before our Holy God.

I am NOT trying to “trick” you into some posture…I am sharing with you what it is that took me from the ROLLERCOASTER of life to the Peace of Christ…a real faith with a real, living God.

You want that, or not? I am okay with your going to Mass to invite Him in through the Eucharist…He’ll meet you where you are at. I know Him well enough to know he’s not going to let our arguments keep you from Him.

So, I will pray for you, that you come to a place where this stirring of your heart will draw you to Him. My questions were only meant to help you to, as the apostles suggest, “a man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread or drinks of the cup.” Before you take the Eucharist, make time to really, prayerfully ask the Lord to search your heart to see if you are truly “in the faith”…that is, have you really believed Jesus. Have you really come to full obedience…as that is the way to express our belief…we follow Him.

See…we can do this with the Eucharist as Catholics…can you consider that your God might be so loving that he’d accept others without the “circumcision” (i.e. outside of the Eucharist?). Man is exclusive, but really, is God? As long as hearts are sincerely crying out to Him in repentance…does He not say in the OLD covenant as well as the NEW, that He will “make us well” because of our “faith”.

As Phil has brought to my attention…maybe we have to look at both sides (protestant and Catholic) and understand that the truth can reach through our circumstances.

I will add no more to your post, since your message implies you really don’t want the help of a “protestant”…

I have to tell you that I am glad that there are some on this site willing to discuss things with me. I have gained a great respect for the Catholics who speak lovingly about their faith, without condemning me out of hand.

God bless you on your journey to Peace and Joy.
Okay, I “lied”…I said, I’d say no more on your string, but now I re-read your reply to me, and I see you actually DID have a question for the “pentacostal”…so I will give you my take on this question.
…how does one correctly discern between what is the Holy Spirit, and what is emotional hysteria?
The LORD gives us a spirit of confidence, of power, not of timidity or confusion. As MagicSilence put it, what you are experiencing is “of the devil”…but is allowed by God to bring you to a new level of faith (which agrees with what the Spirit told me when I first read your OP).

Which is point number one:
  1. always supports the Word of God
  2. is confirmed by fellow Spirit-Led Christians (this is the truth that Catholics apply to their trust in the counsels)
  3. is confirmed by a conviction of the heart of the one who truly seeks wisdom (in other words, if the Spirit leads you…there are things that you won’t be able to shake off, and those things are being brought to you from God to get your attention)
I promise, you’ll LOVE this book on the topic. It is not a book that goes against any Catholic teaching, but compliments it…and it is one that radically challenged me to consider whether I truly surrender and trust the Lord.

“The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life” by Hannah Whitall Smith

Let me give you a taste of it here:
Chapter 8 “Difficulties Concerning Guidance”
"You have begun the life of faith. You have given youself to the Lord to be wholly His. Your earnest desire is to follow Him. But you have not yet learned to know the Good Shepherd’s voice, and are in great doubt and perplexity as to what really is His will…if you purpose to fully obey the Lord…in need only to know His will in order to consent to it, you surely cannot doubt His willingness to make His will known to you… James 1:5-6 promises "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind."

This book is accessible on Amazon for the cost of shipping. It was written by a beautiful OLD Christian woman of the 1880’s. Her teachings are PROFOUND! It will show you the way to find peace…and help you out of the hysteria.

God bless.
Dear Catholic 29,

I’m so sorry to hear you are losing you faith, i will pray for you.
Have you ever read this book?
I read it last month and it’s wonderful, if you can get your hands on a copy please read it…if you need one… PM me and I will mail you mine!
God Bless
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