Thinking about religious life upsets me?

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Sorry for posting the same thing twice. I was on my mobile phone which can be glitchy and now I can’t figure out how to delete the one.
Sorry for posting the same thing twice. I was on my mobile phone which can be glitchy and now I can’t figure out how to delete the one.
Personally, I feel that if you really had a religious calling, it wouldn’t upset you. I think it’s normal for us to be attracted to things we know are admirable, and I think every good Catholic “loves” our religious sisters and brothers because of that. If you really love your boyfriend and are attracted to married life, there is nothing wrong or sinful about following that desire. Don’t put yourself on the guilt trip; to quote The Sound of Music, “Marriage is holy too.”

I am the opposite of you. I am attracted to marriage, but I really feel I have a religious calling because I desire religious life more, and when I think of how I will serve God, I immediately think of life as a cloistered nun. It may not be my ultimate path, but God has put the desire in my heart to seriously discern religious life. You seem like you really desire and want marriage with your boyfriend. If that is how you see yourself serving God, then serve him that way.

God wants you to have the most happiness you can in this life. If religious life makes you anxious and worried, if it causes doubt, it probably isn’t your vocation. I think when we are called we may be unsure, but certainly something that would bring you true happiness wouldn’t make you anxious and upset! Fear and doubt comes from the enemy. It seems like you really have a vocation in married life; don’t let the Evil One harm God’s plan for you!

If, after prayer, you still feel the need to contact orders, go ahead and look around, but always remember that God is in control. Pray, and don’t worry!
I can’t shake off my anxiety about my vocation. I’m 21, and I’m dating a wonderful Catholic young man with whom I was friends for several years before dating. I feel that we bring each other closer to Christ and we have a good relationship. I could definitely see myself marrying him someday if I am called to marriage. The problem is, I am hesitant to give my all to this relationship and truly discern marriage because I am afraid God is calling me to be a sister. I don’t feel particularly called or drawn to that life, but I have always been worried that God would call me. In some ways, I wish that I wanted religious life, because I feel like we should all want that because it is better. But I desire marriage so much, and I want to have a large happy family with lots of kids for me to homeschool. But I can’t get the fear out of my head that maybe that’s not what God wants. I feel as though I’m always trying to figure out or decipher God’s will. Anything in my life that seems like it would make me a good fit for consecrated life, I freak out about. And I am always searching for reasons why I would be better at marriage than religious life. Any mention of nuns upsets me, and if I see a consecrated person out and about, like at the grocery store for example, I feel simultaneously drawn to talk to them (I really do love nuns!), but then I worry that feeling drawn to them means I have a vocation to consecrated life. I am really scared of ruining my relationship with my boyfriend over this, but I am so afraid that I’m doing something wrong in discerning marriage with him. Am I crazy? Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I know I need to look for a spiritual director, but due to traveling nonstop for work for the next couple months, it really isn’t possible until the fall.
Sounds like you are going kind of crazy…I have gone through that same exact feeling many many times. I go crazy on myself because I overthink this…And I get impatient with myself and not waiting on God’s perfect timing.
I pray the Rosary everyday and go to Adoration and Mass as often as I can…It truly helps calm down the heart!
Just keep doing what you are doing, there were Saints that were married! God will lead you to where you need to go, but most of all, you must keep praying! Don’t miss one day! God be with you!!
I’m in the process of discernment, which I’m confident about being a Sister and am in talks with the order I’m interested in. There are three signs of a religious vocation:
  1. Desire for the life
  2. The right motivation
  3. Fitness for the life
    All three have to be present to be accepted. God does not force people against their will to a Vocation and will put the desire of the life to people who are called. My desire is so strong it fills me with such happiness.
    The right motivation means you do it for love of God not for selfish reasons or because you feel “you need to” - I’m not suggesting you said this at all but people do.
    Fitness just means being the right person for it. Can you live the life without anxiety and constant struggle?
    The order I’m looking at entering requires all three of these signs.
    Personally, I think you are called to marriage which can be a Holy vocation which most people are called to. You desire it. Do your best for God with it. Maybe one of your children will become a Religious!
  • Gemma
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