Sorry for posting the same thing twice. I was on my mobile phone which can be glitchy and now I can’t figure out how to delete the one.
Blessings!I can’t shake off my anxiety about my vocation. I’m 21, and I’m dating a wonderful Catholic young man with whom I was friends for several years before dating. I feel that we bring each other closer to Christ and we have a good relationship. I could definitely see myself marrying him someday if I am called to marriage. The problem is, I am hesitant to give my all to this relationship and truly discern marriage because I am afraid God is calling me to be a sister. I don’t feel particularly called or drawn to that life, but I have always been worried that God would call me. In some ways, I wish that I wanted religious life, because I feel like we should all want that because it is better. But I desire marriage so much, and I want to have a large happy family with lots of kids for me to homeschool. But I can’t get the fear out of my head that maybe that’s not what God wants. I feel as though I’m always trying to figure out or decipher God’s will. Anything in my life that seems like it would make me a good fit for consecrated life, I freak out about. And I am always searching for reasons why I would be better at marriage than religious life. Any mention of nuns upsets me, and if I see a consecrated person out and about, like at the grocery store for example, I feel simultaneously drawn to talk to them (I really do love nuns!), but then I worry that feeling drawn to them means I have a vocation to consecrated life. I am really scared of ruining my relationship with my boyfriend over this, but I am so afraid that I’m doing something wrong in discerning marriage with him. Am I crazy? Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I know I need to look for a spiritual director, but due to traveling nonstop for work for the next couple months, it really isn’t possible until the fall.