Sounds as tho many here have strays in the family, and we all do. And it is only natural that all of us fear for their safety.
It seems like a bit of indifference to the faith, or a weakness or some loss of faith. It’s the attitude that they were brought here with their consent, so now this frees them from any real effort on their part. They feel they can do pretty much what they want to do as long as it doesn’t hurt someone else.
They have the idea that religion is just a set of rules and not a life, so it isn’t that important except to argue about. They don’t see it as a life they share with Jesus, one that can be filled with love and understanding. This lack of spiritual growth and meaning is at the bottom of it. But now their lives are busy and they aren’t about to take the time and make the effort to do that.
What I have seen here on CAF is that people do mature, and come to recognize that there are some things more important than just this world and life. Whey they reach that point, then some serious thoughts begin to open up to them.
So they need two things. One, knowledge which they are not motivated for. Two, light which comes from grace opening up their minds to more important things.
I think all we can do is number two. Pray for the light to open them up to wanting the truth.
There is one other alternative method if you can get them to do it. That is the green scapular of Mary. It is Mary’s gift to us to help us and here is how.
… Conversion of those who do not have the faith
… Reconciliation to the Church for those who have lost/strayed from the faith
… Assurance of a happy death
… Strengthening of the faith for those already in the Church
… Protection from Satan for those who wear or promote the scapular
Are’nt those benefits what you want? Maybe all of them?
However for it to work, Mary did ask a favour of you.
Give it to the person for whom you pray.
The green scapular should be blessed.
Wear it around the neck, or carry it on you and them, in your wallet, purse, pocket.
Say this prayer at least twice every day, once for yourself, and once for them:
“Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”
Have great trust in her. Place yourself in her care and tell her that you know your problem is taken care of because she promised on her word. And thank her every day.
She didn’t say when, only that she would do it for you.
A free green scapular may be obtained by googling “geen scapular”.…=544742&page=3
My father, a fallen-away Catholic, passed away several years ago. When he first became ill and was hospitalized, one of the Vincentian priest pinned a Green Scapular to his pillow. I know my mother was especially worried about his salvation, as he had not awakened following emergency surgery. He did awaken many days later, and that same Vincentian asked if he wished to receive the sacraments. He was on a ventilator, so he could not speak, but he could indicate “yes” or “no”, so the priest simply asked if he was sorry for any and all sins he committed, then he was given Extreme Unction. This was 2 years to the day of my auto accident, August 3rd. He died 2 days later, on the Feast of Our Lady of the Snows on August 5th. There is a promise attached to the Green Scapular that Our Lady will obtain the conversion of those who have fallen away from the True Faith. I’m convinced she did so with my father, the day of his death was clearly Providential.
(From an atheist)
How did you come to embrace Catholicism?
Strangely enough, it was the Blessed Virgin Mary. That friend of mine had sneakily
snuck in a scapular under my mattress. I didn’t know until about 1 year into my
conversion. I imagine that she had something to do with it. I think it was the
green scapular.