This pandemic is really starting to bother me

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my family generally have phobia of germs, the way everyone is acting now about the coronavirus, yeah, that’s my normal life on a regular basis, except for me now, it’s even worse, my family always oversanitizes, avoids contact with most people, don’t really like me having friends, not to wear any outside clothes at home, and think illness is the person’s fault and they are a burden to everyone else, their philosophy is to always look out for yourself and protect yourself above everyone else, none of which sits well with me at all

except, Christians have a mandate to care for the sick, so how do we balance that and trying to reduce spread of diseases? now it seems like the entire world is saying to avoid contact and don’t go near sick people, but there are many isolated, sick, lonely people who really do need help, I don’t think we can simply avoid all risk of infection. except now we are all deemed immoral, irresponsible if we visit a nursing home and attend mass, or on the other the end of the spectrum, we are deemed faithless and godless for taking precautions

it’s all just making me a bit stir crazy lately, if anyone could give me some advice or balanced perspective, it would be much appreciated
my family generally have phobia of germs,
Here is the problem and here is where help can begin. While it is good to be thorough with regard to cleanliness, if not checked, it can lead to obsession, then fear - phobia.

It is fact that our immune systems need to be exposed to pathogens in the environment in order to develop normally; children playing in dirt for example.

As Christians, so you correctly noted, we should be willing to assist others if we are able. But, a phobia can render one unable, even though they may be willing.

Since this is not strictly a spiritual problem, I would speak with doctor about it. Therapy is available which can help to greatly restore you comfort level in the world and therefore, your peace.
except, Christians have a mandate to care for the sick, so how do we balance that and trying to reduce spread of diseases?
We do care for the sick, by having hospitals and professionals who treat sock people and by following government directives to stay home and out of the health care system if you aren’t sick— and stay home to keep from getting sick.
except now we are all deemed immoral, irresponsible if we visit a nursing home and attend mass,
People in nursing homes are very vulnerable. They have health care providers— they don’t need people going in there and possibly infecting someone.

Mass will resume, for now stay away and help the vulnerable by not gathering.
or on the other the end of the spectrum, we are deemed faithless and godless for taking precautions
Not sure who seems you that but just ignore the crazy.
it’s all just making me a bit stir crazy lately, if anyone could give me some advice or balanced perspective, it would be much appreciated
Put in your earbuds, listen to music, listen to a book— don’t listen to crazy.
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no, I am not the one with the phobia, but the rest of my family, it’s just that right now, it’s even more amplified, and the rest of the world seems to be joining in
It’s starting to bother me as well. I have OCD but it’s calmed down in recent years.
In that case, turn the media off. With masses being cancelled, far better to cancel the world and its negative impact on you.

Two easy things: Wear gloves. Stay away from people until this is over.
It would be interesting to hear your family"s (I am guessing your parents") side of the issue.
I realize this is a particular issue and time, but everyone around me has that kind of logic all the time, don’t ever visit anyone in the hospital or nursing home at all costs because you just might transmit something.

if I get sick, it’s my fault, if someone in my family gets sick, it’s still my fault because they probably got because I brought it home
As an aspie, let me tell you how much I love the idea of social distancing. This is my people’s time rubs evil Asperger hands
We’ve been over this, you’ve got to learn to ignore the crazy!

I know it’s difficult
the media is not the problem, like I said, this type of hysteria is my regular life, except the family members who are always afraid of getting sick now feel like their fears are validated.

“see? we were right all along”

I’ve been doing everything they asked me to do, disinfecting, hand-washing, changing my clothes, hardly going out, and still managed to get a cold, and now being told for the last two weeks that it’s my own fault because I didn’t listen.

also, if someone is sick, my first instinct is to want to help them or take care of them, which is really frowned upon
extremely difficult, especially now since the crazy feels like the world is giving them confirmation for the crazy behaviour. it’s become an “I told you so” scenario
trust me, I am about as introverted as you can get, but the concept of distancing from peoples’ suffering is a hard one for me. taken to the extreme, anytime we take care of another person even with a mild cold or flu, we could be putting someone else at risk, even if we are not sick ourselves, but obviously, we know that in many cases, it simply has to be done.

institutions are good, but they can’t do everything, and we known strangers generally can’t replace family and friends
this type of hysteria is my regular life, except the family members who are always afraid of getting sick now feel like their fears are validated.

“see? we were right all along”

I’ve been doing everything they asked me to do, now being told for the last two weeks that it’s my own fault because I didn’t listen.
How old are you? Do you live with them? As I see it, your problem is your family is slowly driving you crazy.
As an asocial schizo, I’m like “everyone is doing what I always do!”

St. Christina the Astonishing, you hid in closets from people, pray for us.
As an aspie, let me tell you how much I love the idea of social distancing. This is my people’s time rubs evil Asperger hands
As an asocial schizo, I’m like “everyone is doing what I always do!”
As an introvert, married to an introvert, with introvert children, not much has changed for us. Except my kids love school and we’ll all get bored not because we want to hang out with other people, but because we can’t do things like go to the zoo, museums, and most local parks. But we’ll manage.

My husband read me a tweet last night: ‘So nowww everyone wants to know what introverts to for fun!’ We had a good laugh over that.
The rest of the world is not joining in a phobia they are taking prudent steps at the direction of health professionals and leadership. We all are caring for the sick by making sure we are not the ones responsible for the illness. People are dying. Are you really concerned with how this is annoying for you?
The health experts are giving us the best advice about our own conduct during this difficult time.

We have so many problems, first, with a president who is obsessed with the health of he economy (which is important, but he’s just implementing socialism to protect businesses). We have a Center for Disease Control which is in control of nothing, it appears. We have 328 million people and started out with, what, 4,000 test kits – yet the president says if we want a test we can have it - sure, he just didn’t say WHEN we can have it.

With all respect, you seem to not be paying attention – the pandemic affects us all – that’s the point of what a pandemic is. That’s why the precautions are important – it’s not just about you or me, it’s about all of us. I am glad you are “bothered.”

This pandemic came to the US by other people who didn’t want to be “bothered” about health or hygiene. None of want to be “bothered” by the pandemic – too late, though.
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