This really sucks

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You can’t receive the Eucharist if the priest won’t bring it to you. Im losing my faith in the catholic church
I have not been to Mass since before Easter, my state has been in a continuous lockdown with one break. Churches are closed. I am not losing my faith, in fact I am missing mass so much, as are quite a few I know.

The Church is not responsible for Covid. The Church is dealing with it, as are the rest of us non clergy.

Strengthening your faith is included in my prayers.
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In my Diocese, there are specific priests who have been through the proper training to be approved to enter one hospital “franchise”, so, if you are at parish St So and So and you are in the franchise that allows priests, your pastor will have to call one of the “approved” priests to visit, even if he is from another parish.

Other hospital franchises are not allowing priests in at all.

So, before you are admitted, ask if that hospital allows Catholic priests to visit. Know what the policies are at the hospitals in your town.

Priests want to be out there with people, however, they are obedient in order to protect people.
What happened to priests ? They don’t care anymore, selfish spoiled brats.
Wow…! Tell us how you really feel, hmm?

So… you recognize that “he couldn’t get in to do an anointing”, but that “some other priest” would be in contact with you, and yet… they’re “spoiled brats” who “don’t care anymore”?


One thought: your parish priest might not be the priest who has the role of chaplain in the hospital. Very literally, it might be “some priest” of the diocese other than him. And, to tell the truth, that arrangement might be precisely what is called for, given the responsibilities that your parish priest(s) are facing.

So… are you unhappy that a particular priest didn’t come to see you? Or, are you unhappy that you didn’t get a visit from your pastor himself, as it were? Are either of these indicative that your parish priests are ‘selfish’? Or, perhaps, just that there’s an organization of responsibilities among the presbyterate in your area?

“Power mongering money hungry lazy men”, eh? Would it be fair to turn that accusation around and ask whether we, as the faithful, are “entitled, consumer-oriented, spoiled” Catholics?
I’m thinking seriously of leaving.
Because on one occasion, a parish priest didn’t reach out to you? Fascinating.
God is always with me anyhow I don’t need church or men
I suspect that you’re unhappy and just blowing off steam. I’ll say a prayer for your peace of mind!
Right but he didn’t have to go to the hospital if he were scared I understand.
He might not be allowed to enter the hospital. Around here, that’s prohibited. The only priests allowed in are often ones who are employees of the hospital (in pastoral care roles).

My own mom was in the hospital earlier this year, and I told her that I wasn’t going to be able to get a local priest to come and visit her. Lo and behold, a Ukrainian Catholic priest was on the pastoral care staff, and he visited her. It took a bit of explaining this exact dynamic for her to understand the situation.
But a call/text/email…some kind of communication would have been greatly appreciated but I got nothing.
Do you know that your message actually got to the priest? Or, perhaps, since you were asking for an anointing – and the parish staff member arranged for that request – then your call went no further, eh?

Assumptions can lead to all sorts of misperceptions. Maybe you might consider that this is precisely the case.
I can’t base my happiness on this
I agree. You shouldn’t base your happiness on this.
Your right I can’t say they’re all like that but one is and that’s one too many
How do you know that he even knew you were in the hospital??? C’mon man… be reasonable and think about it a bit.
Now, with HIPPA, hospitals wont even tell anybody that you are there, unless you specifically ask them to.
And even then, they generally do not, out of a fear of crossing HIPAA guidelines! Parishes generally never get notification from hospitals when their members are there!
Im so sorry your in the situation your in but that can not be helped.
My priest could have done something but chose not to that’s why I’m upset
We run in the bulletin a few times each year that we cannot know if you are in the hospital unless you or a family member calls us.
What happened to priests ? They don’t care anymore, selfish spoiled brats. It’s not a job it’s a vocation but some ( most the ones I’ve talked to ) see it as a job and something they don’t have to do. Power mongering money hungry lazy men .
So sad what has become of priests. I’m thinking seriously of leaving. God is always with me anyhow I don’t need church or men
In fact its hindering me
This isn’t good
Fact: you asked for anointing and the priest was not permitted to go into the hospital to do it.

From there, you conclude that priest are all lazy, selfish, money-hungry, power mongers.

I hope you can see that none of what you’ve written is rational in any way. You’ve made all of this up in your head. You’ve made assumptions about all priests, based not even on the actions of one priest but on the situation where he was not able to go into the hospital to anoint you because of COVID-19.

Step back, take a breath, and talk to your pastor about the disappointment of not being able to be anointed and the anxiety and anger you are feeling.
What happened to priests? They’re fewer, overextended, overworked, and will keep on trucking and ministering even in the face of some in their flock calling them “spoiled brats.”
One priest I know of takes calls for anointing the sick very seriously. He literally drops everything and responds immediately. Nothing is as important as a possible last chance to save a soul.
If I left the church over bad behaviour I would have been gone long ago. I have to wonder if maybe I said something or did something that might have caused someone else to get mad at the church. It works both ways.

Realize this anger is tricking you to leave the sacraments.

We are never guaranteed that in that last half hour of life we’re going to have a priest there giving us the sacraments. Adjust your expectation.
I consider when I am sick it is my job to suffer, to be sick, and thus to be the place in the world where Jesus can be visited when he is sick. I do not fear dying, I have already been crucified with Christ, buried with him by being baptized, into this death; so as a servant here to manifest him as “sick” so that he can save the one who visits him, I am fine with that, as much as it hurts. Someone is giving me water, maybe not the priest, yet that someone who gives me water will on that single one day hear, “when I was thirsty you gave me to drink, and when I was sick you visited me.”

Can’t help if a priest is too busy on his way from Jericho, but a Samaritan who sees himself when he sees me, and cares for himself in caring for me, is my neighbor.
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