Hi CAF community and discerners,
I should start off saying that I’m 99% sure of my vocation, having worked this out with a spiritual director, and it’s not to religious life (although God bless all of you who are), and so this question is little more of a intellectual question than a practical one (although my future children, God willing I have them, might ask this).
Anyway, I was reading the Summa, and the Angelic Doctor answers the question whether it is good to enter religious life without much deliberation and counsel, and he responds in the affirmative. The quote was too long to post here, but the link is provided here (as well as below): newadvent.org/summa/3189.htm#article10.
This is good, except that Pius XII seems to say the opposite in his encyclical Sacra Virginitas:
Here is the link to Sacra Virginitas: vatican.va/holy_father/pius_xii/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xii_enc_25031954_sacra-virginitas_en.html. I quote from paragraph 50.
Any thoughts? I don’t mean to disparage them in any way, I’m just interested in trying to resolve the apparent contradiction between these two holy men.
Benedicat Deus,
I should start off saying that I’m 99% sure of my vocation, having worked this out with a spiritual director, and it’s not to religious life (although God bless all of you who are), and so this question is little more of a intellectual question than a practical one (although my future children, God willing I have them, might ask this).
Anyway, I was reading the Summa, and the Angelic Doctor answers the question whether it is good to enter religious life without much deliberation and counsel, and he responds in the affirmative. The quote was too long to post here, but the link is provided here (as well as below): newadvent.org/summa/3189.htm#article10.
This is good, except that Pius XII seems to say the opposite in his encyclical Sacra Virginitas:
Here is the link to the Summa: newadvent.org/summa/3189.htm#article10For many, undoubtedly, the burden of perpetual continence is a heavier one than they should be persuaded to shoulder. And so priests, who are under grave obligation of helping by their advice young people who declare they are drawn by some movement of soul to aspire to the priesthood or enter religious life, must urge them to ponder the matter carefully, lest they enter a way which they cannot hope to follow sturdily and happily to its end. They should prudently examine the fitness of candidates, even obtaining, as often as is proper, the opinion of experts;…
Here is the link to Sacra Virginitas: vatican.va/holy_father/pius_xii/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xii_enc_25031954_sacra-virginitas_en.html. I quote from paragraph 50.
Any thoughts? I don’t mean to disparage them in any way, I’m just interested in trying to resolve the apparent contradiction between these two holy men.
Benedicat Deus,