The word for Trespass in Greek means “false step”, and could be thought of as “false positioning of oneself”. The word for sin in Greek means “missing the mark”, not being in the proper position.
When you see cars speeding on the highway, over the speed limit, they could be said to be “trespassing against the speed limit”, or “trespassing against the state” or “trespassing against society” - why? Because they are currently in a position on the highway that they would not be at if they were driving at the posted speed - falsely positioned a mile ahead of the position expected by God who does things in a fully ordered manner.
If God were to arrange for an angel of mercy to appear for you on the highway (60 miles from here, although he doesn’t tell you how far), and the speed limit is 60, he is not going to send the angel early, but only an instant before an hour is up. But you are speeding to try and beat everyone to finding the angel. You are expecting to see it but you were never told how far you had to drive. So you race along at 75 mph. At about 50 minutes or so you race past the 60 mile mark, and keep on going, still trying to be the first to see the angel. You “missed the mark” by your “false positioning” because you did not drive virtuously (as the traffic signs tried to educate you to do). 75 miles down the road, you get stopped by the Highway Patrol and get a ticket, but no angel. While back at 60 miles, the slow and even slower drivers are meeting up with the angel, hitting the mark, receiving God’s well ordered gift. They drove virtuously, ordered by faith in God, ordered by hope that the angel would be there, and ordered by charity toward the others on the road.
God predestined your salvation to meet you in an ordered position, but you must order yourself virtuously to be in the position where he is setting the salvation for you to claim.
So, drive virtuously to work tomorrow, and be in an ordered position on the highway; interact with your spouse virtuously tonight and all week; treat your co-workers virtuously; eat your meals virtuously rather than anxiously; etc. Hit the mark, and you will find the predestined goodness from God, who orders all things well. Doing all your doings virtuously, you yourself will be ordering all things well like your Father.
By the way, Thomas did not just divide mankind into two camps, the predestined and the reprobate, but there is a third camp for him - dependent on Grace.
The first two camps were done to ensure the advent of Christ, his life, death, resurrection and sending of his Spirit. Certain people were ordained to ensure this happened. Mary and Judas exemplify these two camps. Study the First Part of the Second Part of the Summa to find that third camp, and you will see why you have hope; and do not neglect to do your doings virtuously to order yourself well in the third camp, rather than being falsely positioned.