Singing does not frustrate talking, and talking does not frustrate chewing (except when talking with your mouthful, your mother knew what she was talking about in regards to that… I jest, I jest), and so I’d hardly call it unnatural. Perhaps singing could be called extraordinary, if even that. These actions are taken separately, using the same apparatus. It’s only if I were to deprive the good of eating, or the good of talking, etc… that there’d be an issue. The male genitalia itself is ordered towards both excreting waste and the sex act, but again, these actions are separate, and taken at different times. I do not deny that organs have multiple functions. But eating is for taking in nutrition. Talking is for relaying information. Singing is a great form of entertainment and pleasure. The sex act and the male climax is ultimately ordered towards reproduction. Reproducing is also a natural end of a nutritive and sensory soul.The question is: “WHY?”.
The primary or “ordered” use of the upper tract of the digestive system is to bite, chew and swallow food. Nevertheless there is a secondary use, of transmitting information, use of the vocal chords (grunt, shout or speak) and even a tertiary use of emitting “useless noises” like singing and humming. Singing is an “unnatural” use in connection with the primary use of the mouth, tongue and teeth.
And yet, information transmitting and singing / humming are not considered “immoral” and “sinful”. Even though no one says that every instance of using the mouth must result in the primary purpose of consuming food, but yet it must be “open” to the primary purpose of consuming some calories. Actually it would be very dangerous to do so, due to the lousy “design” of mixing the respiratory and digestive systems.
Our organs have multiple uses - and all of them are important to the proper functioning of the body. The procreative part is the least frequent. During our lifetime it needs to be used about 2.3 times on the average. Some people use it more, others use it less for that particular purpose. And yet, it is only the “non-procreative” use is that is singled out for being chastised if used for pleasure only. Singing and humming are just fine.
I have never seen a rational explanation for the claim that one must be open for the procreative aspect. It would be interesting to see one.
When I eat or sing, I do not frustrate in any way a final cause of talking. I am not required to talk at all times. Still, when I do, it’s known that it’s immoral to lie, though there are other reasons for that, too. Likewise, it would be immoral to eat poisonous food, as eating is ordered towards nutrition.
Anyway, why? Because goodness is defined by how well I instantiate my formal and final causes. If I am a human, then to be a formal good human, I should have a head, two arms, two legs, a tongue, two eyes, the ability to talk, the ability to reason, etc… None of these are about moral goodness, and lacking these traits does not make me less of a human (fetuses, coma patients, and other physical or mental issues, are all as human as I am). Whether we instantiate the form better or worse, we are all still humans with rational souls.
Likewise, we have final causes associated with our form, and again, goodness is about acting in accord with those causes. A heart that doesn’t beat is not a good heart. An eye that doesn’t see is not a good eye. Morality enters in with reason and with choice, and certainly encompasses far more than simply sex, such treating other humans with charity and respect for life and their rights.
Edit: I can’t help but feel that this staunch insistence that sex in humans isn’t primarily ordered towards procreation, and that sexual pleasure isn’t ordered towards getting people to have sex, and the strong emotional bonds that form over sex aren’t ordered to creating a pair with a strong bond for long-term child rearing, is itself incredibly blind, ignoring science (in particular biology and psychology), politically motivated wishful thinking on the part of opponents. Before I ever heard of formal or final causes or Thomas Aquinas or found my faith–and not thinking anything at all of the issue of same-sex marriage–I would have had the same conclusion based on my education of biology and evolutionary theory. Perhaps when I’d been a proponent of same-sex marriage I’d have argued that final causes, should they exist, had no moral bearing (before I understood them and the metaphysical backgroumd better), but never would I have said that sex wasn’t about procreation. My go-to thought would have been evolution, fitness, selection, etc…