Smog control on cars, unleaded gasoline. Of course, living in California, you’ve probably never dealt with these regulations. Oh wait, every two years, your car has to be certified as meeting air quality rules, depending on your county, you can be fined for leaf burning without a permit. As a result, the air quality of California, compared to what it was in the 60’s, is greatly improved. Check, you can now see the mountains from Pasadena (which I could’nt see them very often when I was a kid living there in the 60’s).Well, Sally, if what you say is correct…then some smart climate scientists should be able to adjust the climate/weather to ideal conditions and temperature just by telling us how to live our lives.
So yes, micro climates can be affected by man. Why do you think we spend so much on irrigation, pergulas, greenhouses, misters (go to Disneyland for these)? We are always trying to change and control our environment. That is what we do. It is not always bad or good, it just is.