Have you ever had that experience where you’re talking to someone, and in the course of conversation, they use a term in a way that demonstrates they have no idea what that term means?
Oh, yes. It happens to me frequently. Unfortunately with you, too, as the other party. I was hoping that you are little better than the run-of-mill “apologist”.
It tends to end the conversation in a hurry, at least for me.
No, I don’t prefer to leave the other party “wallowing” in his ignorance. Instead of running away, I like point out exactly where the error lies, and then I like to enlighten him how to realize the mistake. So they can learn something new.
This post of yours was a perfect example of presenting an empty argument. Just a few meaningless sentences,
generic in nature. I already pointed out that God (or the devil) is in the details. But you refuse to learn.
You said - semi-correctly this:
I described it qualitatively: it’s the same epistemology that science uses. (And no, I’m not talking about the “scientific method” – I’m talking about the approach that says “investigate, think, reason, conclude.” We know truth in similar ways – even if we use different tools in various disciplines.)
You don’t understand that this IS the scientific method. “
Investigate, think, reason and conclude”. Perfectly well said! It is used by every branch of objective studies. The only difference is in the step of “
investigate”. In physics we use the methods of physics. In chemistry we use the methods of chemistry. Every specific branch uses its own specific method, based upon the specialty. No sane person would demand that you prove the existence of demons by using chemical means.
I was asking (in vain) what is the specific method used in theology, angelology and demonology. The method is whatever you wish to employ, with the same restrictions as we demand for any and all disciplines. Repeating again, since you tend to forget: "
Any and all methods are accepted, as long as they are objective, measurable, repeatable and one is not required to accept your conclusions a priori.” Not that big a deal. It did not “single out” God, it is the same whether you have a proposition about angels, demons, the soul, some paranormal activities, alchemy or astrology - or any branch of natural sciences.
I made a bet yesterday with a friend of mine. I plucked down a few coins and said that you will disappear from the conversation. So far I am winning, and I would prefer to lose. After all I am ignorant of the methods to discover angels, gods, demons or souls. I wanted to learn.