Who cares about antiquity? And who talks about surgical procedures? That is probably the most ridiculous attempt to derail a discussion I have ever seen. Are you really THAT MUCH in the dark about the whole topic?It would be silly to suggest that you use courtroom procedure in an operating room, wouldn’t it? And yet, you want us to to take you seriously when you suggest that courtroom procedure is the appropriate procedure in a discussion of written data from antiquity.
The discussion is about the proper procedure concerning claims about the supernatural, where this supernatural is in constant interaction with the physical reality. It is a generic discussion about the epistemological method pertaining this interaction. We do not “borrow” the procedure from the courtroom, the courts “borrow” the procedure from the examination of objective reality. And it “borrows” the best, most reliable method available which is the physical evaluation of physical evidence. We use the same method in every scientific evaluation of any claim pertaining the objective reality.
If that method is unavailable then further methods might be contemplated. But since God, the angels and demons are all assumed to be alive, and all are assumed to be in constant interaction with the physical reality, there is simply no reason to look any further. And that is what you don’t dare or care to take into consideration.