Wait, you know every single atheist who ever lived and can speak for their actions not being ‘like this’ every single day of their lives?
I see that exactly no where in my comment.Wait, you know every single atheist who ever lived and can speak for their actions not being ‘like this’ every single day of their lives?
OK, I’ll play.
If God doesn’t exist, I would live my short life indulging in every pleasure I could, whether legal or illegal. I would do whatever I could get away with, and if you said that you would not do this, I would consider you a fool and would think nothing of taking advantage of you in any way that appealed to me. And don’t you dare tell me I’m wrong, because I’m just a bag of electro-chemical reactions, and the concept of moral right and wrong doesn’t exist in chemistry or physics.You think you would, but this would be at odds with how almost all, if not all atheists approach and live their lives.Code:OK, I’ll play. :slight_smile: If God doesn’t exist, I would live my short life indulging in every pleasure I could, whether legal or illegal. I would do whatever I could get away with, and if you said that you would not do this, I would consider you a fool and would think nothing of taking advantage of you in any way that appealed to me. And don’t you dare tell me I’m wrong, because I’m just a bag of electro-chemical reactions, and the concept of moral right and wrong doesn’t exist in chemistry or physics.
So you are claiming that almost all if not all atheists are ‘at odds’ with the first quote, and I am saying how exactly do you know how all, if not almost all atheists ever have approached and lived their lives?
First of all, I do not believe that many apologists would agree with your assertion that all has been revealed. Most I have heard unapologetically (no pun intended) are willing to use “we cannot know the mind of God” as a solution when the answer is outside of human comprehension.Again, your understanding of the nature of God is very deficient. As is your understanding of what He has chosen to reveal to us through His Word and His Church–e.g., absolute morality.
That said, your deficiencies are correctable. You might start with the Catechism. I’d actually recommend the Catechism of St. Pius X, which wonderfully distills Catholic teachings in a Q & A format. There are also the writings of Peter Kreeft or the Evangelical philosopher William Lane Craig, who thoroughly dismantles atheist hangups on “the problem of evil.”
That’s a difficult thought experiment for me, because basically it says “what if it was one day proven that there is no foundation and source of existence itself?”, or stated another way, “what if it was one day proven that nothing exists?” But if nothing exists, then who is doing the proving, and who are they proving it to?Thought experiment. What if it was one day proven 200% there’s no God?
You “slightly” increased the numbers of people and the duration of the said morality.You think you would, but this would be at odds with how almost all, if not all atheists approach and live their lives.
So you are claiming that almost all if not all atheists are ‘at odds’ with the first quote, and I am saying how exactly do you know how all, if not almost all atheists ever have approached and lived their lives?
Here is sufficient proof that God regrows limbs. Is this sufficient enough for you to believe that this ma n had a limb grow back?Sufficient proof would be sufficient for me. I believe in natural evolution because the mechanism has been observed and explained. Same here
God is not comparable to a dragon, or a unicorn, or a spaghetti monster (even one that can fly). By our experience with reality and the use of reason we have good reason to hold that God exists. We have no reason to believe there’s a dragon in your garage.Come on, you know the answer to that as well as I do. If I told you there’s a dragon in my garage, what would you consider proof that I was lying?
That’s it. Adam & Eve tried it, and a fine mess it got us into.To put this another way, to prove that there is no God, one would have to know absolutely everything about everything, everywhere, in which case, one would be, by definition, God.
If that’s absolute and all God is capable of, then “whoa to you” I know very little apologists (for starters) that would resolve it to that simplistic of a level.We only understand what God has chosen for us to understand through His Word and His Church. This includes the Ten Commandments. Pretty absolute, eh?
Ad hominem attacks and non sequitur after non sequitur.Your posts evidence very little understanding of theology. You should know that unbelievers have been coming on CAF for many years, attempting to sow doubt. Some of them have made at least some effort to understand Aristotelian metaphysics, and even Thomistic theology.
All of them have failed to make their case.
All atheists I know have a sense of morality. It may not match yours, and thankfully it does not (said jokingly) but they are not perpetual pleasure-only seeking beings; although they do enjoy pleasure, but also do people of faith. I just think you would be surprised to realize that for many people, belief in God is not their only reason to live with morality.You didn’t give a limitation in your post. . .exactly how long then are you examining ‘their lives’ and how large a ‘sample’ are you using?