A cyclical universe still undergoes change, is composed of parts and divisible into parts or sections, etc… etc…
Eternal in this context does not mean existing for infinite time but having no successive moments or progression.
A universe existing for infinite time or in a cycle does not get around not being simple, not being pure act, not existing by true necessity since it’s essence isn’t identical to its existence as demonstrated by the arguments.
Naturally there is change. Which is caused by this universe coming into being. Which then reaches a point of maximum complexity and then reduces to it’s simplest form, which is eternal, as time ceases to exist, before begining again.‘Nothing comes from nothing’.
So the universe doesn’t exist for an infinite time. We can take out any reference to infinite time. It doesn’t exist in this scenario.
And it starts in the simplest of forms (hence no time, hence eternal, hence not infinite) and reverts by progression into a complex state.
And there is no ‘act of existence’. Just like there is no start point on the circumference of a circle. But the circumference doesn’t need a cause. It is a function of the circle. As the universe doesn’t need a cause. It is a function of the cycle.