When you were in public school, did your teachers encourage you to question your alignment on the various spectrums represented by the ‘genderbread’ man?
I went to public school too. But that was too many years ago to be relevant now. If I ever have kids, the only way I’d consider public school at this point is with a government gun to my head (and even then I might consider drastic alternatives like emigration). The potential for actual, life-altering consequences for children in some of these propaganda factories is too great; not just to their minds now but to their literal bodies, in ways that if other adults don’t permit you to prevent them from making mistakes, those mistakes could result in their permanent physical mutilation and sterility.
Homeschooling for my kids, if I ever have them. Or a school staffed by teachers we can trust to teach them actual truths, and not to instead inject new confusion and possible long-term physical harm into their lives.
PS if it was just the old days like when I went to school, with LGB being the ‘cool’ thing (which it was), then I would be more open to letting kids go through that. There is certainly a place for being formed in a fire (though it should be only that level of fire that a given child can walk through successfully at a given age). But now that the culture (including significantly in the public schools) is encouraging children who never otherwise would have questioned their gender, to not only question it but to be utterly convinced their bodies require artificial hormones and surgery… no. Parents have lost custody of their children, have lost the right to protect their children from those surgeries. I would do everything within my power to keep a child away from people who would encourage them one inch towards the catastrophe of harms in that direction. Once the kid’s an adult, they’ll be less in danger from it (most kids outgrow gender dysphoria by adulthood). But as impressionable young children spending the majority of each day with adults who encourage this confusion and peers who are reinforcing it… n o.