Thoughts on the future: please support *multiple* sites

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There’s just something about having a lot of Catholics which makes it easier for more of them to get into Catholicism…
Right, but they aren’t going to come from the popular culture. We have to raise them ourselves, and if we let the culture raise them instead we will lose them. I could point you to stacks of CARA reports that show that the retention rate for CCD kids is 1 in 4 or less. Bottom line is that you can’t raise Catholic kids in the secular culture.
The popular culture says lying, fornication, theft, drugs, divorce, etc. are good things. You cannot raise a family in that culture.
I guess our experience is just different. I don’t know a single family that teaches that lying, theft, drugs, and divorce are good. It is true that fornication is viewed favorably in the culture at large.
I don’t know a single family that teaches that lying, theft, drugs, and divorce are good
No good parent would ever do such a thing, but the pop culture, mass media, and youth street culture do. The public schools don’t help matters by fostering these things and contracting with Hollywood and Planned Parenthood for curricula. Wanting to withdraw your kids from this stuff doesn’t make you a self-righteous bubbledweller.

Further to the existing Catholic child formation model not working:

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Did you go to public schools?
Yes, and I came out of there a non practicing Protestant. And that was almost 20 years ago. Then I went to a nominally Protestant college that almost turned me into an atheist. No way my kids are going through this.
I guess personal experience always effects one’s views. Went to public school and college, stayed Catholic…
When you were in public school, did your teachers encourage you to question your alignment on the various spectrums represented by the ‘genderbread’ man?

I went to public school too. But that was too many years ago to be relevant now. If I ever have kids, the only way I’d consider public school at this point is with a government gun to my head (and even then I might consider drastic alternatives like emigration). The potential for actual, life-altering consequences for children in some of these propaganda factories is too great; not just to their minds now but to their literal bodies, in ways that if other adults don’t permit you to prevent them from making mistakes, those mistakes could result in their permanent physical mutilation and sterility.

Homeschooling for my kids, if I ever have them. Or a school staffed by teachers we can trust to teach them actual truths, and not to instead inject new confusion and possible long-term physical harm into their lives.

PS if it was just the old days like when I went to school, with LGB being the ‘cool’ thing (which it was), then I would be more open to letting kids go through that. There is certainly a place for being formed in a fire (though it should be only that level of fire that a given child can walk through successfully at a given age). But now that the culture (including significantly in the public schools) is encouraging children who never otherwise would have questioned their gender, to not only question it but to be utterly convinced their bodies require artificial hormones and surgery… no. Parents have lost custody of their children, have lost the right to protect their children from those surgeries. I would do everything within my power to keep a child away from people who would encourage them one inch towards the catastrophe of harms in that direction. Once the kid’s an adult, they’ll be less in danger from it (most kids outgrow gender dysphoria by adulthood). But as impressionable young children spending the majority of each day with adults who encourage this confusion and peers who are reinforcing it… n o.
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I’ve enjoyed CAF. It has helped me quite a lot and I’ve really read a lot of great info and thoughts here. Thank you all! God Bless!

“The death of a forum”…I like forums. They’re anonymous. I can ask questions you’d never be able ask a “spiritual director”. I’ll be back somewhere again asking awkward questions. No worries. I still have many questions. We’ll talk again.

The User name Jack63 is retiring. It was a dark JFK reference…if anybody was curious.

As for thoughts on the future. CAF suspended and banned lots of people, and the removed many many many posts. This took a lot of work by somebody, and the number of people reading this site decreased noticeably since I started posting two years ago. CAF was never going to make it.

Realistically any new forum site might want to try what Church Militant did if they what to make money. Rather than being a “Catholic” website the forum should just try to say they are “Serving Catholics”. This way there won’t be the banning of people left right and center for writing the wrong thing some random night.

As for “multiple sites”. People should try. Realistically, it would be too much work not to get paid for this. There would need to be some moderation. There were too many really weird posts here. As for most of the political stuff in World news sections…I had no idea what that had to do with Catholicism for the most part.

See you all on the other side!
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I also prefer a Forum that works with my IPhone
I use Android, but this is a good point. Many of us (myself included) are used to logging in to CAF from our smart phones…
and finding that it’s a pain.
I have no idea no what the Benedict option is. I wonder sometimes if they could made this site tighter by allowing baptized catholic only to access parts of the sites and yes there would be differences of opinion but at least they would have an understanding of the faith.

Some areas could be open and these would be for others of different faith and of no faith This could be a separate format for both Catholics and others to discuss things.
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Why not just Google a term of you aren’t clear on its meaning. I do it several times a day, typically.
I’m most interested in continuing, in a more stable atmosphere where people don’t have to worry that any minute they might get banned, or kicked out of a “lounge”, and thus lose contact with their friends.
So far you are succeeding quite well with SIL.

Some people think that CAF could have been better had the moderation been stricter, and others say the opposite. I do think you hit the nail on the head by suggesting that a forum needs to be either a friendly lounge or a debate venue, but that things won’t go well when it tries to be both.

One reason why I am hesitant about trying CCF is because the forum tries to be both. As a result, it has more rules than the DMV, which creates in my mind that same fear of sudden banishment. I seriously dislike the infraction system that vBulletin forums like CCF (and old CAF) had, where mods issue demerits that hang on your profile like impersonal albatrosses and make you feel like a non-person. CCF even has a page where they list all the possible violations and the “fines” therefor. If I want to collect impersonal tickets that say YOU ARE A BAD PERSON, I will go downtown and fight the parking meters. I do not need some website issuing them to me.
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.Ok did some reading on Benedict option. Interesting.

Talk about banning I never got banned until once this summer and I had to watch every post which was not a bad thing and call out people because I could flagged for just talking about the voyage of Christopher Columbus , yes I did but have idea as the post was simply about his sea voyage.

It did get way overboard with the flaggings and I had never been flagged until fall before this election but seems to have gone away after election.
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In line with the CAF as microcosm concept, you have probably noticed that parishes IRL are either closing or becoming narrowly focused (liturgically, doctrinally, liberal vs conservative etc ). Demographics and macro trends are working to push this trend away from the concept of a broad church. The loss of what you describe is a sad but unavoidable consequence.
My parish pre-covid19 on a good day, would have 250 people attending combined across two masses. However online we are getting between 5,000 and 10,000 hits on Facebook (yes up to ten thousand). We cannot explain it but are going with the flow.

Just because parishs are imploding IRL doesn’t mean that online has to follow.
However online we are getting between 5,000 and 10,000 hits on Facebook (yes up to ten thousand). We cannot explain it but are going with the flow.
Does your parish have streaming Mass at a particularly convenient time for folks in another time zone?

I am in US Eastern time zone and when I was under COVID lockdown, I tried to watch a Mass online every day. If it got past noon, there were no more streamed Masses available in my time zone so I ended up watching Masses from some Dominican mission parish in California, or from Hawaii, because their morning Masses were happening in the afternoon my time.
The mass is 10:30 GMT in Ireland, not sure what that is for you. I’ll can send you a link.
Ireland is 5 hours ahead of us n the USA, so it probably wouldn’t be us clicking to watch your Mass at 5:30 am.

However, persons in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia might very well be watching your Mass. They would be a few hours ahead of you.
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