Throat Blessing

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After Mass today (TLM) we had the “throat blessing.”
I had forgoten about this but do remember it from when I was small.

Can anyone supply me with the history, why’s etc of this simple Blessing?

After Mass today (TLM) we had the “throat blessing.”
I had forgoten about this but do remember it from when I was small.

Can anyone supply me with the history, why’s etc of this simple Blessing?

Today is February 3 and while Sunday liturgy trumps it, it is the Feast Day of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr. During his life a boy had a jaw bone lodged in his throat and St. Blaise prayed over him and the bone was dislodged miraculously. It is a custom to have your throat blessed after the Mass on this date.

I wish more parishes would do it.
I wish more parishes would do it.
I can say with all honesty that I grew up in a progressive type Catholic community, and even the parish I’m part of now is modern in its behavior. But throat blessing has always been a part of whatever church I’ve belonged to. I can’t imagine being without it, and I’m disappointed that any parish would not have it. From your statement, I guess its a reality, and I pray that those parishes start this tradition, at the very least.

I went to my parish’s Novus Ordo this morning, and then went to a TLM High Mass later on. The blessing was given at each. At the TLM parish, the blessing was given while kneeling at the altar rail. Very appropriate.
After Mass today (TLM) we had the “throat blessing.”
I had forgoten about this but do remember it from when I was small.

Can anyone supply me with the history, why’s etc of this simple Blessing?

Hello James,
I recently went to Dubrovnik (Europe) to the Cathedral of St Blaise (OH so beautiful) and after Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we were each blessed (throat) with a relic of St Blaise who is interred there. From my understanding his throat was cut for his faith.
It was a beautiful experience. If I remember correctly he is an incorruptable and lies there in a glass reliquery. But I do remember the blessing of the throat and I am sure I sing better (I used to frighten the crows with my singing;) now I only frighten myself:o
On this pilgrimage I saw many beautiful signs of our faith. Europe seems to be full of them.
I dont know James if this has answered your post (i suspect not) but I wanted to share this with you. I would love to go back again.
Grace Angel.
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